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School in Minnesota Locked Down After Report of Man With a Gun.

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Mar 2, 2004

After the report just before 8 a.m., students were locked inside their classrooms as police searched the building and parking lot. Anxious parents waited outside.

Eden Prairie police spokeswoman Stephanie Grant said earlier this morning that police were questioning five people inside the school, including one suspect. The suspect was a man who does not attend the high school, she said. But police later said no one had been arrested.

Sources close to the investigation said that the suspect is the older brother of a student who had been bullied by other students. The older brother, the sources said, went to the school to confront the bullies.

Locked inJudy GriesedieckStar TribuneA press conference is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. at the Eden Prairie City Council chambers, where police and school representatives are to update the lockdown. A school official declined to answer questions about security until the press conference.

Beginning shortly after 10 a.m., students were being released classroom by classroom and sent to the football stadium to await bus rides home.

No weapon had been found shortly before noon, but city spoksman Jack Sheehan said authorities will search ''every inch of this school, and it will take a long time.'' Grant said authorities were contemplating searching with dogs.

The school holds 3,500 students.

In the minutes that followed the initial call, teachers rushed through hallways and classrooms, ordering students into rooms and locking doors behind them, shouting, "This is a lockdown! It is not a drill!"

I sort of question the wisdom of locking the kids in the classrooms. Seems to me, if you have a nutcase bent on murdering highschool kids, he would love nothing better than to have them herded up into small areas. I doubt a lock on a classroom door would keep a guy with a gun out of there.

Also, think about this in a terrorists mind. You plant some hidden bombs in classrooms, and then before you detonate them, you have one of your cohorts call the school and claim that there is a man with a gun in the school.

Is this lockdown really such a good idear? What are the pros and cons? Anyone have any first hand experience in dealing with threats at a school? I just found this as odd when I read it. Why herd the kids up like cattle, to make if fair so that the wilier students don't escape and leave the less wiley students to be gunned down? I question the wisdom of this, but I'm not an expert on this by any stretch of the imagination.
I doubt a lock on a classroom door would keep a guy with a gun out of there

it definitely wont. plus, my highschool and every other highschool ive been in had narrow windows on each side of the door which could be shot out and then you could easily reach in and open the door from the inside.

i think they lock up the kids in the room because there isnt really anything else they can do. if they told people to get out it would be chaos in the halls and even if they could evacuate with the kids under control, you are still going to have halls filled with students and teachers.
i think they lock up the kids in the room because there isnt really anything else they can do. if they told people to get out it would be chaos in the halls and even if they could evacuate with the kids under control, you are still going to have halls filled with students and teachers.

I wonder what they would do if you were a student and you left the classroom and made a run to an exit door? I suppose you could risk getting shot if LEO's were already in the building. Of course if Columbine is any indication, they might just wait outside formulating a plan of action and waiting until it is a little safer to go inside.
I wonder what they would do if you were a student and you left the classroom and made a run to an exit door?

i think the teachers would be too busy hiding under theirs desks to do anything.
Pros and Cons?
Smaller grouping of potential victims/suspects.
Order (vs chaos) for a moment w/ roll call or head count.
Some form of adult supervision for the moment.
Ability to lock classroom doors and pile desks & chairs up in front of them if shooting is heard in adjacent or nearby corridor.
Most everyone has a cell phone or intercom in classrooms.

A few negatives too...
Classroom doors swing outward for emergency egress, bust glass, open lock and door... fish in a barrel.
30+ potential victims per room.
I'd opine that few (if any) of the female teachers have actually shot a firearm before and wouldn't know or think about counting shots or reloading time frames, etc.
Zero control between classes, lunchtime, before or after school with masses milling about.

If you have H.S. age kids, discuss it with them. See what they say or (if you're real brave) ask one or all of their teachers at your parent-teacher conferences you schedule each semester... (yeah right). Ask the school police if your school has them.
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