Schumers lost puppets

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Jan 15, 2017
Behind the Iron Curtain, Wilmington Delaware
Three Democrats chose not to follow Schumer and voted to approve Gorsuch.

They are senators, Donnelly (IN), Heitkamp (ND), and Manchin III (WV)

I just finished emailing each of them thanking them for their courage and not following the Democrat puppet master Schumer.

This is only the beginning of a long 4 years... we need to let the blue guys that vote in their right mind, know that we will support them. Suggest you guys do something similar... it will take you all of 10 minutes.
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Good idea. Positive reinforcement is needed.

Any other members who feel like writing, regardless of personal viewpoint, don't use descriptions like
Democrat puppet master Schumer.
in your communications. He's a leader in their party while we are 'no bodies from no where' especially if we are not in their electorates. Using language that turns them off will negate any good from sending a positive missive.
Additionally a snail mail letter will do better than an email.
Don't muddle your message. leave out anything to do with other political hot buttons. They may have ingrained viewpoints that cause them to emotionally flash against anyone appearing to lecture them - politicians spend all their lives attempting to obtain power, so there is definitely a mindset of I'm smarter/ more moral than you involved with many of them.
Point out that you are a second amendment supporter, then simple thank you for making a good call on a good jurist that you hope will support _all_ the constitutional freedoms of all Americans is probably the best way to go.
Rad, like I said on another forum... "I know you don't know me personally, or my brand of humor, but how I express something here FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT, is not how I would phrase a note to a public official.
And further, I TRUST that those reading the post on this forum, would recognize it as such, and have enough common sense to form and use their own appropriate language."

And I agree, snail mail has greater impact than email.
PaFrank: I didn't think you wrote to the Congress critters in the manner in which you posted, I used it as a hypothetical example. Unlike you I don't trust, but I do hope.
When I was active in the OZ gun lobby I noticed a tendency for some to add extraneous comments or take a position of assumed superiority when communicating with our politicians. Unhelpful is the best way of describing such. Thus my post.
If I come across as overly straight laced, thats pretty much the persona I have on this forum "Just the facts, ma'am." I'm more humerous and laid back elsewhere.
Pa, I picked up on the intent of your post, and knew the words that were just for US. Your actions in writing them were positive, and encouraging words are always better than discouraging or confrontational words. I commend you for that. And your post to us was to encourage positive responses whenever possible. Rad has a good point but was being a bit too direct by using your exact wording as a negative example, somewhat implying that you actually wrote to the senators that way. His reply could have been a little more "High Road" by being a somewhat more "generic".

Thanks for doing this. And since this is at least a national forum, let's especially encourage folks in those senators states to send a positive note to them.

And Pa, I would like to broaden what you are saying and encourage others to try to often write to their respective representatives, regardless their party, when they do something good like this. It certainly cannot hurt. Thanks for the thread.
We find it most useful to provide an example letter for other members to paraphrase. When praising a decision by a politician something as simple as, "As a constituent/frequent visitor I appreciate your support for XYZ."
Nice idea HSO but when you are saddled with the two senators from Illinois (Dicky & Ducky), time spent on letters to them is wasted as is the postage. It is better spent on their removal.
Nice idea HSO but when you are saddled with the two senators from Illinois (Dicky & Ducky), time spent on letters to them is wasted as is the postage. It is better spent on their removal.

Note that you can send such letters as a frequent visitor to supporters of the 2A even if your own congresscritters aren't ever going to support the 2A.
"Additionally a snail mail letter will do better than an email."

That statement is true for letters that are not time-sensitive, like the ones described above.
BUT, ever since the anthrax attack on Congress many years ago, all snail mail to Congressional offices goes through a special inspection and handling site outside of DC, and takes a long time to reach the offices.
If you want to get a fast message to your CongressCritters (like telling them how you want them to vote on a particular bill), use the web-based electronic mail systems to each member at and

Even easier, use the service at which will get your message to your senators and representative, individually or as a group, by interacting with the and sites.
There's many advantages to using all communication means from standard post to email, phone calls to the district office to scheduled appointments with home office staffers or the politician themselves. Remember the more direct the communication the more impact.
Three Democrats chose not to follow Schumer and voted to approve Gorsuch.

They are senators, Donnelly (IN), Heitkamp (ND), and Manchin III (WV)

I just finished emailing each of them thanking them for their courage and not following the Democrat puppet master Schumer.

This is only the beginning of a long 4 years... we need to let the blue guys that vote in their right mind, know that we will support them. Suggest you guys do something similar... it will take you all of 10 minutes.

Machin hasn't just been supporting gun control he has been authoring it. Not someone who is ever going to get my support and certainly not by voting for something that was a forgone conclusion without him.
Craig_VA wrote:
BUT, ever since the anthrax attack on Congress many years ago, all snail mail to Congressional offices goes through a special inspection and handling site outside of DC, and takes a long time to reach the offices.

They may have improved through-put since the time of the anthrax attacks. Ever since I worked with a Congressional Staffer who told me that mailed letters get read by people while e-mails get scanned and a tick mark put in a For/Against ledger, I have always taken the time to write. The last time I wrote my Congressman, I had a response back in three days.
PaFrank wrote:
...thanking them for their courage and not following the Democrat puppet master Schumer.

I'd like to point out that once the Senate invoked the so-called "Nuclear Option" rule change so that only 50 votes were required to confirm Gorsuch, the votes of three Democratic Senators were not necessary. The three Democrats who voted for confirmation are all up for re-election and are all from states that Trump carried in the last election. These Democrats did nothing "courageous". They voted once the vote was already a fait accompli and for no purpose other than to deprive a future Republican challenger of a reason for people to vote against them. Since it had no effect on the vote but did improve these three Democrats' chances for re-election, you can be sure this was done with Sen. Shumer's full support.
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