Scientific breakthrough: how to make yourself invisible.

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the features make the gun more dangerous AND semiautomatic? Wow, the guns are so evil they increase the amount of a feature that is either there or not, not in degrees!
I know it's true. I know of several people, even on this list, who go out the door with a flash suppressed firearm and are unseen by their spouses for hours and hours.

(I understand a new driver or putter can have a similar effect. Why no news articles about those?):evil:
Everytime I turn on the news

I see cops like this. I wish some of the rest would get their mug in the press so I can quit thinking 98% agree with idjits like this one...
That whole article left me with the impression "***?!" It was so poorly written and innacurate that I initially thought it was a high school student writing the article...

The law prohibited guns from holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition
erm...Magazines maybe?

two features that were believed to make guns more dangerous and semiautomatic
... make them more semiautomatic? :what:

The bayonet lug, an attachment for a machete about a bayonet lug is an attachment for a bayonet? But it is a good idea...maybe I could take my machete and put it on the front of my AR... :evil:

At the M & C Army Surplus Store at 625 W. University Ave., customer John Gentry was eyeing an M-1 Carbine and a Bushmaster AR-15 from behind the counter as he talked about how easy the weapons were to get, even with the special features that had been banned.

"This is an 'old boy' town, the locals are clannish, this person knows that person, it's networking," he said, describing the weapons black market.

Again, I say "***?!" How did we get go from a legal person to person transfer to a "weapons black market"?

But my favorite is:

The flash suppressor, which makes the shooter invisible

Somebody needs to call this 'journalist' and educate her...preferably by taking her out to the range and letting her fire a few shots.
Dain, you got it all wrong. Eight shots of tequila fired from a fully suppressed, hi-capacity Assault Bottle makes you bullet-proof.:neener:
"Dude, this AR is pretty semi-automatic and stuff, you know, which is awesome, don't get me wrong. But sometimes I lie awake at night, like, looking at the ceiling and the stars and stuff or something, and I think to myself, dude, "Is this AR really semi-automatic enough?"
"If he had an assault weapon he probably would have killed everyone out there," Pruitt said.

...and levelled the town, too! And probably contributed to global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer!
We need to license journalists. Seriously, we license barbers and building trades people, to make sure they know what they're doing, why not the press. We can even give them different levels of certifications, so we know what they're knowledgable to talk about.
Email didn't bounce.... [email protected]

Ms. Mandell,

Your column includes this paragraph:

The law banned weapon makers from adding more than two special features that were believed to make guns more dangerous and semiautomatic. They included: the folding stock, which makes the weapon more concealable; the bayonet lug, an attachment for a machete; the flash suppressor, which makes the shooter invisible; and a mandatory shorter pistol grip. The law also prohibited guns from holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

You know, you really ought to tell your editor it is a cruel joke to assign a technical topic to a newbie, without time to investigate the subject.

Item: it is impossible to make a gun "more semiautomatic"; it's like pregnancy, either you are or you are not. Whether the features made the weapons "more dangerous" has been a 12-year dispute.

Item: a bayonet lug is for attaching, amazingly, a bayonet, not a machete. Bayonets are stabbing weapons, turning a rifle into a short spear; that's pretty much a 'last chance' desperate move. See

Item: A flash suppressor makes a shooter invisible? It looks like someone cut a phrase, and even that was wrong. Flash suppressors focus the burning propellant forward, rather than allowing it to expand in a circle in front of the gun, so a shooter is not blinded by his own shots at night. Anyone in front or to the side can easily see the shooter's position.

And I don't know what to make of 'mandatory shorter pistol grip'. A pistol grip is one of the features specified in the now-expired law. Mandatory? Shorter?

Item: the law prohibited new manufacture and sale to the public of removable magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds. Since the manufacturers had plenty of warning, they made LOTS of them before the effective date of the ban, and the supply has been adequate for the last ten years, The law did not prohibit guns from holding more than ten rounds.

Please do keep in touch with Captain Van Winkle on the use of those things formerly called 'assault weapons' in crimes in Gainesville, and see if you can publish accurate figures after some time has passed. I predict the number will be about 3% of gun crimes - exactly what the proportion was before 1994 and in the 10 years since 1994.
MiddleTejas made a good point

Leo's are continueing to allow orgs like chiefs assoc and fop speak for them.
Maybe if the rank and file supported a push forward of the orgs that will truly speak for them to a higher vantage point to be heard.
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