seat belt, gun belt

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN

I'll do more photos for a second caption:

"If you need a seat belt, you need it FAST. Same if you need a gun.
[picture of a gun belt]
Wear your safety belts."
Nice, but I think you could even just a little flashier, maybe a blued 1911 with some nice wooden grips on it, riding in a very nice leather holster and matching gunbelt.

Lots of non-gunnies have never seen Kydex holsters before.
Try this pic of a gunbelt on for size. Not sure if its copyrighted or not but something like it might work.


  • gunbelt thumb.jpg
    gunbelt thumb.jpg
    3.8 KB · Views: 103
Nice, but I think you could even just a little flashier, maybe a blued 1911 with some nice wooden grips on it

I disagree. The seatbelt is really understated in the picture and so is the gun. No need to highlight the gun. I also like that Oleg used a Glock'esque gun (I can't tell if it's an actual Glock or not) It's a nice counter to all the negative press focused on the "tool" that I've been hearing lately.
Well, yeah, I really couldn't care less what gun was in the holster, but a little leather with some nice stitching would go a long way.

You know... like a traditional gun belt.
I understand what you are saying, it's just the in my mind a seatbelt is about as plain and unsexy and utilitarian as you can get. If Oleg is trying to get people draw the parallel here I figure the gun/holster should be the same (plain, unsexy, etc.) :D
Oleg,old friend, a child with a gun? I know you did not mean it but this conveys a negative image to me but that's me. After reading it and studying it for a few seconds I got the message, but the first impression was very disturbing. I personally would prefer an adult rather than a child with a gun near it.
I like this one, too.

Oleg, you're really on a roll lately!!


The interesting thing (to me anyway) is that there is a well known and frequently used advertising ploy that takes advantage of just what you point out.

Since the sheer amount of advertising we are bombarded with beats us into apathy, ad agencies use "shock" tactics and combine discognitive images like (in this case) a child and a gun together. The "shock" of seeing these things together is used to break through the viewer's apathy long enough to make them do a "double take" and actually read the poster.

It's actually a pretty effective technique.
Yeah, it is a good technique. And I think you might be right about the whole utilitarian idea of a kydex holster and glock... all tactical tupperware issues aside.
Oleg, Excellent concept.

Perhaps instead of using a plain featureless green strip as "the gun belt" perhaps the appearance of cloth or leather with the words supeimposed on that?:confused:

Don't know if it would make it look to busy.

child with gun

ZeSpectre, you are correct. I had not thought about that. DUH! Thanks for pointing that out. Very effective.
I looked at this picture about 5 times before I seen the holster and pistol. Without seeing the gun, I still thought it was a powerful message.

THAT is effective work. Keep up the good work Oleg, you're just totally awesome!!!
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