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Secret Service Mum on Bush Threat

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Dec 25, 2002
The U.S. Secret Service won't say whether it's investigating Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu after she threatened to "punch" President Bush earlier this week during a fit of anger over Hurricane Katrina.

She might have been joking," Secret Service spokeswoman Lorie Lewis told NewsMax on Wednesday, after being told of Landrieu's comments on ABC's "This Week."

"If one person criticizes [Louisiana officials], or says one more thing, including the president of the United States, he will hear from me - one more word about it after this show airs and I - I might likely have to punch him - literally," Landrieu railed to host George Stephanopoulos.

The Secret Service was provided with a full transcript of the ABC broadcast, including Landrieu's incendiary remarks. Spokeswoman Lewis promised to find out whether the agency intended to launch an investigation after reviewing the transcript.

In the two days since, the Secret Service has declined to return two phone calls or respond to an email inquiring about the disposition of a possible Landrieu probe.

The agency took a tougher stance on Senatorial threats in 1994, when then-North Carolina Sen. Jesse Helms joked that President Clinton "had better watch out if he comes down here. He better have a bodyguard."

After a media firestorm erupted - with some pundits complaining that Helms had committed treason - the Secret Service swung into action, launching a full blown investigation into whether Helms' statement indicated that someone in North Carolina planned to assassinate the president.

"We have followed up on the comments and [have] spoken with the senator's staff," a Secret Service spokesman said at the time.

Ms. Landrieu's much more explicit threat to "punch" Bush, on the other hand, has prompted no such reaction from the agency.

And the press, which rushed to condemn Helms, has pretended not to notice that Landrieu's outburst is part of a rising tide of hostility towards the Bush White House where normal boundaries of criticism have fallen by the wayside.

In recent days, Democrats have complained that the Bush administration response to Katrina was "criminal." On Wednesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the president himself was "dangerous" for the nation.

Surveying the storm damage on Thursday, Vice President Cheney was interrupted twice during an outdoor television interview by a man who shouted: "Go f - - k yourself, Mr. Vice President."

If the Landrieu case is any indication, however, apparently threats against the executive branch aren't taken as seriously as they once were.
Maybe they know Mary punches like a girl, and Bush can take her...

I, for one, would like to see a few LA officials get the crap kicked out of them. Maybe he can take the rest of them on after he's done with her.
Hmm... I could, maybe even should, take a humorous view on this.

[throat clearing sound deleted]
Let it be enacted that:

Every year, at noon on the first day of april, the sitting president of the United States shall be punched one (1) time in the nose by one of the sitting governors of the several states, to be by lot.
Somehow though I don't see much chance of something like this becoming law or even being proposed :D

Actually in Bush's case, knowing that he might end up being punched in the nose by Arnold S. could result in him reigning in his more moronic acts.

I'm no fan of Bush. Unfortunately, the alternatives are worse.

ErikM :evil:
Idiotic statements by elected officials is and always has been the norm.

It just gets to us faster now.

SS will just ignore silly little girls like this.
"If one person criticizes [Louisiana officials], or says one more thing, including the president of the United States, he will hear from me - one more word about it after this show airs and I - I might likely have to punch him - literally," Landrieu railed to host George Stephanopoulos.

Its ok for some senator to say things like this, but just wait until your 8 year old threatens to punch someone at school - he will be arrested for making "terroristic threats"..... :barf:
I think the Secret Service should just chill. Don't they have real stuff to concern themselves with? Mary's so-called threat is just bluster. Like when GWB sez we're gonna hunt down Osama and kill him. Just hot air.

The Secret Service should just deputize Laura Bush to beat the crap out of Senator Mary.

think what would be done if anyone here made the same "incendiary remarks".

she should be prosecuted the same as any of us peasants, maybe it might wake some people up that the public considers them to be just as liable for their actions as we are for our own. its the principle behind it all that is infuriating, not the words.
If the Secret Service wastes even one nano-second investigating the LA Senator for her in the heat of the moment/rhetorical remarks then it is official; common sense is dead in the US.
I would expect an ivestigation by the SS if a Dem were in office. Remember the couple arrested for cat calling President Clinton in Chicago?

I expect the Repugs to act like adults, it's the least they can do since they no longer govern by republican principles.
I don't think it's accurate to compare Mary Landrieu's outburst with Jesse Helms' comment. Jesse Helms' comment about Clinton could be taken as a veiled threat against his life, and an incitement to certain Carolinians. Mary Landrieu was not threatening, just threatened to launch a girly punch at the Prez.

I know it's against the law to threaten death or harm against a Prez, but what about less lethal stuff? Is it against the law to threaten to punch (especially from a female)? Or threaten a boot against the backside, or a dope-slap? A creme pie in the face? A stern look? Threats that any sane person would recognize as fiction?

I'd expect Prez Hillary Clinton to over-react to slight insults, but I thought GWB was made of somewhat stronger stuff.
Democrats get testy!!!

From NewsMax via e-mail.

Could it be the Democrats are feeling gulity about something, like how it was they that F'ed up in NOLA???

By Carl Limbacher Jr, NewsMax.com

Secret Service Mum on Bush Threat

The U.S. Secret Service won't say whether it's investigating Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu after she threatened to "punch" President Bush earlier this week during a fit of anger over Hurricane Katrina.

"She might have been joking," Secret Service spokeswoman Lorie Lewis told NewsMax on Wednesday, after being told of Landrieu's comments on ABC's "This Week."

"If one person criticizes [Louisiana officials], or says one more thing, including the president of the United States, he will hear from me - one more word about it after this show airs and I - I might likely have to punch him - literally," Landrieu railed to host George Stephanopoulos.

The Secret Service was provided with a full transcript of the ABC broadcast, including Landrieu's incendiary remarks. Spokeswoman Lewis promised to find out whether the agency intended to launch an investigation after reviewing the transcript.

In the two days since, the Secret Service has declined to return two phone calls or respond to an email inquiring about the disposition of a possible Landrieu probe.

The agency took a tougher stance on Senatorial threats in 1994, when then-North Carolina Sen. Jesse Helms joked that President Clinton "had better watch out if he comes down here. He better have a bodyguard."

After a media firestorm erupted - with some pundits complaining that Helms had committed treason - the Secret Service swung into action, launching a full blown investigation into whether Helms' statement indicated that someone in North Carolina planned to assassinate the president.

"We have followed up on the comments and [have] spoken with the senator's staff," a Secret Service spokesman said at the time.

Ms. Landrieu's much more explicit threat to "punch" Bush, on the other hand, has prompted no such reaction from the agency.

And the press, which rushed to condemn Helms, has pretended not to notice that Landrieu's outburst is part of a rising tide of hostility towards the Bush White House where normal boundaries of criticism have fallen by the wayside.

In recent days, Democrats have complained that the Bush administration response to Katrina was "criminal." On Wednesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the president himself was "dangerous" for the nation.

Surveying the storm damage on Thursday, Vice President Cheney was interrupted twice during an outdoor television interview by a man who shouted: "Go f - - k yourself, Mr. Vice President."

If the Landrieu case is any indication, however, apparently threats against the executive branch aren't taken as seriously as they once were.
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