Security "expert": Pepper spray can take down 5-10 men at a time

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Sep 1, 2005
S.F. Bay Area
A personal security "expert" (Robert Siciliano -- he seems to get a lot of media appearances) says using a deadly weapon is a bad idea, and that he recommends pepper spray. He says it can take down 5-10 men at a time, at 2 minutes and 30 seconds into the video.
robert siciliano the schmuck.JPG
He looks like a security expert. I mean why not believe him? Its just your life.

What a boob! I can stand a full blast of oleo-capisicum in my face, just like I did in the Army with CS gas. Just a matter of self control. The "security expert" in the video is doing nothing but lying to a receptive audience, and what better host than Maury?
Pepper spray can take out several people at once, but it isn't likely to happen.

A single warning shot can spot a gang of attackers, but it isn't likely to happen.
Having worked as a doorman for more than a few years I have had the wonderful honor of being sprayed on a few occasions with some of the more popular brands of self defence sprays. They don't all work alike, not everyone is effected the same way, and I wouldn't trust my life to the stuff. I've yet to experience anything that would create the immediate incapasitation you would need to keep from taking a beating. If one has to carry the stuff, keep an ASP handy for the follow up, if need be
With a name like Robert Siciliano you know he's in security. But probably not the same kind of security we're thinking of.

Probably more the, "[mobster voice] Pay up or I break-a your legs [/mobster voice]" kind of security.
After some internet research, I found 2 "biographys". He has some kind of certification from a Masachusetts Healthcare agency. As far as I can tell, he is a media darling that does speaking engagements, has written a couple of books on self defense and is on call to anyone from television. As best as I can determine his best qualification is that he weighs 200 lbs has been in some fights and grew up in a rough neighborhood in Boston. I really don't see anything to support his "expertise". One of the bios mentions 18 years of training, but no specifics.

I checked him out too. I didn't see any of the following credentials which one might look for in a "security expert" - ex LEO, former military, former prosecutor, college degree, firearms instructor, etc.

I did see motivational speaker, martial artist, and Harley-Davidson owner.

And it looks like he can walk on hot coals ! :rolleyes:
Oh, if I only had a penny!

If I had a penny for every "expert" I've seen on the tube that knows exactly ZERO about what he's mumbling about, I'd retire to my private island and invite you all for drinks. Grew up in a rough neighborhood in Boston? So what. I grew up in a very nice neighborhood. Been through the M.E. five times, shot, cut, beat and given dirty looks. My little sister (who is now thirty something) went from high school to college and is living in Colorado raising goats. Where you grow up has diddley to do with who you are.

Pepper spray will stop 5 to 10? So will a quick reload.
Well, I guess it could your keys and pocket change have a gravational effect on the sea and ocean tide.

It'd be a bad bet to depend upon, maybe better than nothing, but a bad bet anyway. There may be a place for industrial strength foggers mounted on trucks, but I doubt that anyone has one of those in their hip pocket.

I highly doubt it.
I haven't ever been pepper sprayed but I have been tear gassed a couple times. It was a very miserable experience but had I been holding a shovel and had the will to use it I still could have done serious harm to someone.
I can't imagine that pepper spray could be much worse than a lot of CS in a small room.
Personally, if I had a choice between going to jail for the rest of my life because I defend myself with a gun, or being dead for the rest of my life, I'd rather be in jail for the rest of my life.

Although, he did bring up a good point in the video. He said that many victims involved in self-defense become criminals in the justice system because they used a deadly weapon, such as a knife or firearm. He then recommended pepper spray. Although I wouldn't rely on it as my only method of self-defense, it would be nice to have in case I'm in a situation where I don't reasonably belief that I need a firearm to protect myself from immediate death or grave bodily harm or a forcible felony that could turn deadly. How many times do you hear on the news that one guy punched another guy and then the other guy shoots him with a gun and that guy claims self-defense and no one believes him? I hear stories like that all the time on the news. It may be good to have something for self-defense when deadly force isn't warranted, but possibly could get bad soon, since the law says you have to meet force with force and I don't want to wait until it's deadly force time. Even if the law doesn't say normal citizens need to use a continuum of force like LEO do, in most states the law does say that they need to use "like force" or less. Normal citizens still get convicted for using firearms all the time, regardless of the fact that they don't have the same expectations of force continuum that law enforcement does. It also costs a lot to pay an attorney if you're defending yourself in a firearm's case. Why go through all that hassle if someone is punching you and you happen to have pepper spray? Most police officers that I've actually talked to in person said that they would arrest someone who shoots an unarmed person and hope that the courts convict, even if they claim self-defense. Statistically, most assaults don't involve a weapon.

Okay, pepper spray, but I'm certainly not expecting my 104lb girlfriend to hope pepper spray stops a 200 lb attacker.

He completely neglects that if another person has a gun/<insert deadly weapon here>. He says never to have a deadly weapon, but what if the attacker has a deadly weapon? If he wants to rely on pepper spray for everything so be it, but I learned to bring every advantage you can to a fight, especially firepower.

Between his background research and that video I have formed my own opinion, however, it's not very High Road.
maybe he recomends peppr spray becasue he A: cant shoot . B: isnt allowed to own a gun due to legal problems ie: arrest record C: gives what ever expert advice he is paid to give !
pepper spray has its place i would use it if i could before things escalated to a shoot situation ! I would use it if i wasnt sure I could shoot like standing next to a gas pump or a crowded background
"maybe he recomends peppr spray becasue he A: cant shoot . B: isnt allowed to own a gun due to legal problems ie: arrest record C: gives what ever expert advice he is paid to give !"

Or maybe he lives in Mass. where it is basically illegal to carry a firearm and does not know any different!!
maybe he named his thompson submachinegun "pepper", "spray" from a thompson would clean 5-10 guys in a single room out real well im guessing...

Or he has an illegally owned handgrenade named named "pepper"....
And if it doesn't? If you miss? If you run dry? If the perp is on PCP, Cocaine, Crack, smack or a plethora of others? What then?

People that deal in absolutes are idiots.
Personally, if I had a choice between going to jail for the rest of my life because I defend myself with a gun, or being dead for the rest of my life, I'd rather be in jail for the rest of my life.

Help me out here, how exactly does one end up dead... for the rest of their life?
to quote another poster i saw on here....

sure, and the air in this room could suddenly all rush to one corner of the room suffocating all of us, but its not likely to happen
my guess is he is the same kind of expert that are hired to testify in court cases. you pay the guy that will say what you want him to say.
Personally, if I had a choice between going to jail for the rest of my life because I defend myself with a gun, or being dead for the rest of my life, I'd rather be in jail for the rest of my life.
Help me out here, how exactly does one end up dead... for the rest of their life?

What I'm saying is if I had the choice between being dead or going to jail for the rest of my life because I'm convicted because I defend my life with a deadly weapon, life in prison is better than being dead. I know that it's illogical to be dead for the rest of your life, but I said it that way to make a statement that life in prison is better than the same time period spent as dead.
I carry 4 oz of Fox Labs pepper spray (stream) along with my carry weapon.

If an encounter outside my home warrants it, I will try it as a first response. I will use it but keep my .45 at the ready.

In my home that's another story. If some miscreant decides to enter my home with bad intentions, then old Mr. Glock will be put into action.

I would NEVER feel well armed with only pepper or oc spray, or even a taser.

To each his own. However, I intend to survive any encounter that I may have, and I pray that encounter never happens.
Having used pepper spray over 50 times in the past 15 years, I can attest to the effectiveness of it when used correctly. The key word is correctly. Most citizens do not have the training in the use of OC and expect magic bullet results no matter where it is sprayed.{Remember, you have to spray the face, preferrably directly in the eyes}

For me, pepper spray has been 100% effective in gaining compliance. I have sprayed bar brawls, drugged up individuals, drunks, even a group of Marines brawling with a group Seamen.

I hear people tell me all the time that it does not effect them, that they have been sprayed so many times that they are immune{OC is an inflammatory, you don't build up "immunity"} but when I offer them $100 to let me spray them with the X2 I carry on a pocket clip,oddly enough I get no takers.{the $100 is if they are unaffected, if they have their eyes slam shut, do the snot blowing thing, and wheeze I keep my $100}

I am also an OC Instructor.OC will work effectively on multiple assailants,but like I teach, OC is not a substitute for leathal force,nor should it be used as such.
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