See where your Politico stands on immigration.

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It's apparent the Republicans don't have any interest in my vote.

It's apparent I don't have any interest in the Republicans, anymore. I'm calling my congressbozos tomorrow and let them know I will no longer support them because of their voting record re immigration/illegal immigration.
oddly enough, the Republican senator from my state got a lower grade than the Democrat senator.

actually, that doesn't really surprise me. Typical Harry Reid behavior.

So right on some things and so bewilderingly wrong on others.
Just one more reason I am glad Frist is not running again. I hope Lamar calls it quits to.
Dont forget though, a lot of the things that push someone into the D or F categories is stuff that is largely unimplementable in the near term. I think we could possibly expel a decent percent of the mexicans that are here now, but first we need control over the border. Everything else is hot air until we have that.

No matter what, I dont think that most of the mexicans here now will be forced out, at least not in one big swoop. I'm not even sure it would be good for the economy to have so many people ejected at once. Even if we let them stay, we dont have to let them become citizens and we dont have to give them social services. They can just leave if they cant hack it. The successful ones will have kids and become part of the next generation of Americans.

I would honestly settle right now for a wall and nothing else (ie, nothing adversarial but no amnesty and no guest worker). If we could get stronger border patrol and slightly increased enforcement as well, that would be icing on the cake. Throw in actual serious enforcement against employers and we are pretty much done.

my rep for the win, she is also super pro-gun: Ginny Brown-Waite. She is the highest ranked member of congress on this issue.
Seems like they are backing down to the pressure.

WASHINGTON — The two top Republicans in Congress, confronted with internal party divisions as well as large public demonstrations, said Tuesday they intend to pass immigration legislation that does not subject illegal aliens to prosecution as felons.

A written statement by House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, did not say whether they would seek legislation subjecting illegal immigrants to misdemeanor prosecution or possibly a civil penalty such as a fine.

"It remains our intent to produce a strong border security bill that will not make unlawful presence in the United States a felony," the two men said. An estimated 11 million men, women and children are in the United States illegally.

You can read the rest of the article here;,2933,191410,00.html
That site is using some votes as "bad" that in our discussions here we have not had issue with, just to lower the overall scores.

The Visa lottery for example. We have agreed for the most part that LEGAL immigration, following the rules, is good for the US and what this country was built on.

Voting to raise the number of available visas per year hardly makes a politician the enemy here.

Same with LEGAL foreign worker visas. That is a different issue than illegal immigration. I personally don't agree with that but don't lump it into the same debate with CRIMINALS CROSSING THE BORDER.

One of my Senators for example, Kay Hutchinson, gets a grade of C but if you take out those two items that have NOTHING to do with ILLEGAL immigration her grade changes drastically.

On items related to ILLEGAL immigration and the enforcement thereof, she has grades of A+ A+ B and B-.

LOTS of spin here.......
They can do as they please on their website.

My beef is No Action is treated as neutral. In my view no action is the same as voting against doing anything to fix the problem since the problem continues. For an example see Bush's current inactions and how the problem is only getting worse.
Even the 2 wildly liberal (D) US Reps near me (Kucinich & Tubb-Jones) are better than my 2 RINO Senator (DeWhine & Voinovich)

What a least My US Rep (LaTourette) is fairly well in regarded.
No Action may also mean that there has been no recent legislation for them to vote on in the first place.
True. In some cases legislation has not been proposed. In the vast majority of cases legislation was up for consideration and a rep simply did not vote. No vote is a time honored tradition in avoiding being on the record one way or the other.
My congressman is basiclly A's(past and current) on everything except for a recent F- on Reduce Unnecessary FOREIGN-WORKER Visas. He had a C in the past. His/my district which is northwest LA has a very very low number of immigrants. What does anyone take of that?
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