Tancredo asks for border official's head

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
I know some of you will say that it is too soon to be asking for the resignation or firing of the agent in charge. Since he is a government employee it will take more evidence than needed to convict a murderer to have him fired. If he does not resign, he will probably be promoted to a plush job in DC. I say this from being a federal employee for 30 years.

Tancredo asks for border official's head
10 House members call for investigation of stand-down order

WASHINGTON – Eight members of the House of Representatives, led by Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., and chairman of the House Immigration Reform Committee, are calling for the resignation of a Border Patrol official in Arizona who is alleged to have told his agents to stand down following the Minuteman Project vigil in April so that an increase in apprehensions of illegal aliens would not give the citizen group bragging rights.

The focus of attention is Michael Nicely, agent-in-charge of the Tucson Sector of the Border Patrol. He is accused by a dozen of his agents of ordering them to be less than aggressive in arrests beginning in early May.

Eight members of the House signed a letter written by Tancredo to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff calling for Nicely's resignation.

A total of 10 members signed a separate letter by Tancredo calling for the House Judiciary Committee to initiate an investigation into the "stand down" orders.

"Any government official who seeks to thwart the law is derelict in his duty to the American people," said Tancredo. "Mr. Nicely must take responsibility for his actions and turn over his post to someone who is willing to enforce the law."

A dozen Border Patrol agents told the Washington Times they had been instructed to "stand down" from arresting illegal aliens near where Minutemen protestors had patrolled in April. The agents understood that an increase in arrests would prove the effectiveness of extra manpower on the border and would credit the Minutemen's approach. Several sources, including the president of the National Border Patrol Council, have confirmed the newspaper report.

Tancredo called for a congressional investigation into the action.

"In a post-9/11 world, it is critical that we send the message that we're serious about border security. A Congressional investigation will get to the bottom of these troubling and dangerous practices," he said.

"If Mr. Nicely was acting on orders from officials higher up in the border bureaucracy, more heads should roll. Congress needs to exercise more active oversight of our border security."
I'd like to "Nicely" hand his head over to Tancredo. This is treason.
Lone Gunman, how is that even remotely relevant?

Tancredo wrote a letter calling for a resignation. WND reported it.
The outrage should be directed at the current occupant of the White House, not at the help.
OK? Nicely said they should decieve the american people, by ignoring violations?

Tancredo is calling for his resignation because of "dereliction of duty"?

I think Nicely made a boo boo, and got caught.

I think Tancredo is on the high road this time. Did I miss something?
The outrage should be directed at the current occupant of the White House, not at the help.

Here, here - the current occupant of the White House is a strong supporter of strong borders. Just listen to what he's said, he tells us about it ALL the time talking about "national security" and the like. Just remember, it's not fair to look at what he's done.
Well, actually, this is a reflection on that question from another thread regarding would soldiers fire on civilians. Or even the entire "police state" debate around here. We have before us an example of a lower level flunky mindlessly doing what the higher level flunkies told him to do in spite of the fact it was obviously wrong. Thus they are all to blame AND we have an example of how some will just follow orders/policy...regardless of how stupid things may be.

OTOH we have some lowest level flunkies showing some spine and standing up to their immediate superior, and thus the nasty SOB's all the way up the ladder, proving not every government employee is a mindless lacky... Several of our debates in microcosm, ya know? :D
I can't speak for Rick, but through Bush's actions, he has made it clear that he and Nicely are on the same page.
Can you deny this?
Sorry about all the fuss my comment caused. I actually didn't even read the article, after I saw who had published it. Worldnetdaily has been wrong on a bunch of stories, so I have pretty much stopped worrying about things they have published.

Now, if they actually were right on this one, thats great. I have read other sources talking about this, so maybe they actually got a story right.

In any case, if this story is true then they really need to bust the guy who gave this order, as far up the chain of command as necessary.
We may see a slowdown anyway. The area is going through a heat wave, and daytime temps have been over 100 degrees. This may go on for most of this coming week before things get better. Some will try to get through at night, but if they don't make it or get lost they could be in serious trouble. To see what's going on check your national weather report or go to www.accuweather.com and enter ZIP Code 85615 for a local forcast.
Many people much higher in the chain of command at BP and INS than Mr. Nicely deserve to be without jobs.
Him for sure, but many others also.
And W's on-and-off again funding for hiring new BP agents ranks right up there with "Read my lips...."

Tancredo for Pres!

I mean, do you have a link to that????

A link to what? GWB calling the Minutemen "vigilantes" or a picture of him kissing Vicente Fox's ass and pledging his support for Mexico's illegal alien agenda? Or for his "amnesty" plan?
So we can assume you also ignore CBS, Newsweak, the NYT, etc since they have also been "wrong" lately...?

If only one of them publishes an article? I would be wary of it yes. Heck, I don't think I ever watched CBS anyway, have never bought a copy of Newsweek, and read a NYT about twice a year.

I am aware of errors made be CBS, Newsweek, and NYT, but what news organizations are in "etc"?

In any case, I already apologized for not reading the article before commenting on the source. I have nothing personal against WND, and would love to see them become more reliable.
Rick? SIOP?? You are saying GWB called MR Nicely, and ordered this?

Did I - the number one Bush supporter on this forum - say or even imply that? You need a new tin foil hat son...or some better glasses that stop you from reading between the lines.
Bureaucrats have been playing CYA since before the Chinese invented gunpowder. Why is anybody surprised?

Seems to me the best "indicator" will be observing whether or not Tancredo's efforts lead to such things as public hearings about the existing problems on the border. And, whether or not Congressional attention focuses on the Minutemen's success...

Nicely is representative of a problem, but is really just a bit-player in the scene.

Art, I perceive the worm has turned. I think it far more than coincidence that during the Militia actions on the border that Jaba the Kennedy and Foul Ball McCain introduce legislation that is essentially Bush's proposal. The ruling class has to be on record as having perceived of a problem and it is done by introducing legislation. We have clearly moved past questioning if there is a problem into batting around solutions to the problem. Criminal immigration is one of those issue clearly understood by Clare and Bubba Lugnuts. The easier the problem is to understand by the great unwashed the easier it is to get action to deal with the problem.

There will be hearings. Tancredo will become a pop hero for a while. Bush will do everything possible to shut him up. The ruling class will pull out all stops to prevent meaningful change. Now that the militia is moving to places like New Mexico, Cali, Tejas, and TN it will be increasingly hard to ignore the signs of a grassroots rebellion. The battle is now joined.
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