Seeng as the family sized order of Zumbo jerkey is about done

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Sep 30, 2006
Those so inclined to write letters and generally create a ruckus might ought to turn there attention to politely reminding Mr Sullivan that the Akins reversal is way out of bounds and a capricious swipe at the letter of the law . There is no Bill of Needs , and making things up as you go along will not be tolerated . Hunters , paper punchers , collectors ,and pistoleros of every type DO HAVE a dog in this hunt . It is a pattern of behavior that must not be ignored . When the law says "this "and they are allowed to do "that" everyone's ox is in danger of being gored on a whim and at the expense of a few micrograms of ink invested on ATF's part .

If you feel your emotions might color your prose , here is form letter to copy , paste , print and MAIL OR FAX . Emails , are nice , but only in conjuctin with something ON PAPER

The Akins Acclerator was a recent and innovative rifle stock that allowed the entire reciever/barrel of a 10/22 Ruger to recoil within it , in effect allowing one to bumpfire and aim it at the same time . ATF approved it . Numerous correspondence between them and the manufacturer assured them of its legality in regards to the easily understood "one functon of the trigger " rule . Akins , satisfied that they were in the clear, invested a great deal , built them , and sold a bunch only to be told .... NEVER MIND .
What happened in the case of the Akins device is a classic example of beaurocratic legislation. No elected official proposed any laws regarding this device. No vote was ever taken on it. No public discussion or input. And no ability on the part of John Q Public to vote their dissatisfaction at the banning of the Akins device by the BATF. Just another ruling by petty beaurocrats who are not accountable to the public in any way but yet can effectively create law with the stroke of a pen. WRONG WRONG WRONG. Persons such as these were what tar and feathers were created for.
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