Selling stainless Winchester model 52

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Jun 4, 2005
I do need to sell that model 52 I mentioned in an earlier post. I checked with GOP guy who is I believe a reasonably knowledgeable individual. He related that according to his reference book, Winchester didn't make any stainless rifles during the time my rifle was made. I would hope his book is wrong. The rifle and barrel are absolutely stainless. So I need advice about going about this. I am assuming I would send it to a gunshop designated by a prospective buyer who would then make an offer or accept my price. I am intending to ask for approx $1500.00 based on rarity and condition. Should I ask for more or less? Help!
Check around,, and Line up a FFL who will ship it for you (will probably cost you <$50) and the buyer will have to pay the FFL fee (generally <$25). Good luck.
A. Why not see if you can get in touch with the guy that writes about collectable firearms in Shotgun News and see what he has to say. I think his name is Supica (sp?) Whether there was or wasn't a factory produced ss 52 might be right down his alley. It might keep you from making an error you will regret for years to come. What if it was custom made from someone as a one-of-a-kind platform. Imagine the value.

B. Also, why not contact the NRA. They can hook you up with a POC at the national firearms museum.

C. Why not do both.


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