Semper Fi Devil Dogs!

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I'm getting a little choked up.
It's not an attitude problem - we're really that good.
Too bad they waste the Marines on pacification missions. Just heard in the news that out of the last 100 years, the Marine Corp has been in Haiti 20 years, off and on. I guess even the Marine Corp cannot work magic and permanently square Haiti away.
My dad - USMC 23 Yrs... '53 - '76 SgtMaj @ retirement gave me a great red coffee mug he had at his house... it had a quote by President Ronald Reagan on it...
"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The MARINES don't have that problem."
The USMC... one of the finest things ever produced by the United States of America.
Semper Fi to ya'..... and Thanks!
You know what? You can actually go to your local Marine recruiter and get a black & silver sticker that says 'Marines Extreme'!

USMC 88-92
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