Sen. Mark Pryor (D) responds

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Jul 10, 2003
Got the following from Mark Pryor, junior Democrat senator from Arkansas today.

Classic. Just classic.

Thank you for contacting me with your views on S. 1034, the Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2003. I appreciate hearing from you.

I believe the right to bear arms, granted to us under the Second Amendment, is vital to our existence as a nation. As a hunter and gun owner, I will continue to support the Second Amendment right of American citizens. I oppose the placement of any new restrictions on gun owners. However, I am in agreement with current gun laws. Therefore, I support the reauthorization of the Assault Weapons Ban which has been in place since 1994.

Thank you again for contacting me about this issue. I welcome your input. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my office about this or any other matter of concern to you

Mark Pryor

I did not contact him about the Reauthorization Act of 2003. I contacted him asking for his support of S.1806 and asked him to oppose any and all amendments to the bill. Then I asked him to do what he could to ensure that the AWB sunsets in September and to not vote for any extension of the ban or for any bill which would replace the ban.

So, he didn't really respond to what I contacted him about, and he also went the wrong direction anyway.

Make sure any and all Arkansans you know who own guns learns that both Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor do not want them to be able to own semi-auto rifles or shotguns, or magazines to fit their semi-auto rifles and shotguns.

Look out when they say "I am a hunter and a gun owner."

When you hear that, bend over and grab your ankles!
Doublespeak like that calls for a bell ringing. He needs the second ammendment explained to him. It isn't about hunting, it is about controlling idiots like him. That would cause wet trousers front syndrome.
I believe the right to bear arms, granted to us under the Second Amendment, is vital to our existence as a nation.

Notice that he forgot "keep" (rKba). Slip or intentional?
The RBA is "granted to us under the 2A." :confused:

As a hunter and gun owner

Look out, run, run, run :eek:

I oppose the placement of any new restrictions on gun owners.

Now, understand the the AWB will sunset. No action is necessary. It is existing law. Balance that against this:

However, I am in agreement with current gun laws. Therefore, I support the reauthorization of the Assault Weapons Ban which has been in place since 1994.

What a dolt. Reauthorization is a NEW law.

A true Clinton/Kerry Democrat. :barf: :barf: :barf:
Alan, I would not vote for Pryor even under the threat of having my fingernails ripped out with rusty pliers.

I believe... I will continue... I oppose... I am... Therefore, I support...
Whatever happened to "I was elected (by you)... I will vote (for you)... I am (your voice)... I support (your positions).

Do these people ever listen to, and vote for the positions of the folks at home? Is it always, at the end, I think - I believe - I vote(d)???

A few maybe.

Maybe there should be more nays from home to counter the I's in office.

Yes, Hutchinson had an affair with a secretary and wound up divorcing his wife and marrying the bimbo, uh, I mean secretary.

The good old country folk apparently couldn't stomach that and voted against Huthinson in droves.

Don't know why it upset them so much, considering all the times they voted for Bill Clinton in the past.

And Pryor is the son of another Pryor who was our gov. way back plus a senator who served for an eternity, it seemed like.

And now, we're stuck with this jackass for a while.

My opinion? IQ of Mark Pryor + IQ of Blank Lincoln = a small decimal fraction.
Liberal, elitist, power hungry, typical tax-and-spend Bill Clinton type Democrats.
Yeah, I wasn't sure, but I thought Pryor was at least a second-generation croo......ahhh....politician.

And I moved out of Arkansas to South Carolina when Slicky Britches Kilntoon was only the Guv. Little did I know he would soon be The Prez.

At least, though, since Pryor is a Dem, you kinda know whatcha got. My 2 Senators are De-Whine & Voino-?itch...THE Poster Children for R.I.N.O.

Look up Republican In Name Only in your 'Funk & Wagnalls', andh there they are, along with Guv. Booby Daft....another mulit-gen croo.....ahh politician.

:banghead: :cuss: :banghead: :cuss: :banghead: :cuss:
Another thing that Pryor has wrong is that the Bill of Rights doesn't grant us our Second Amendment rights, but instead acknowledges that these rights are inherent and granted by our Creator. His terminology would have us believe that we are reliant on the government for our rights, when this is definitely not the case.


I oppose the placement of any new restrictions on gun owners. However, I am in agreement with current gun laws. Therefore, I support the reauthorization of the Assault Weapons Ban which has been in place since 1994.
Would he have voted for it in 1994? Or was that ban 'just enough' for him?

Nevermind, he's lying in your letter. Read from his web page...
Pryor said that in the course of the gun liability debate, he voted in favor of two sensible amendments that are supported by President Bush and law enforcement officials across the country. The first amendment would reauthorize the Assault Weapons Ban that was enacted in 1994. He said that the proportion of banned assault weapons traced to crimes has dropped 65.8% since the ban, and that 34 police chiefs from across Arkansas expressed their support for this bill.

Pryor also supported closing the current loophole that allows criminals and terrorists to purchase firearms at gun shows. He said that this loophole allows criminals in 32 states to buy guns at gun shows with no questions asked. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms found that gun shows are the second leading source of firearms recovered in illegal gun trafficking investigations. Pryor also said the gun show loophole is unfair to brick and mortar stores who under law have to perform background checks.
Sounds to me that the gunshow 'loophole' is a new restriction on gun owners. Which one is it, Mark?? :barf:
Can someone please explain to me what

is wrong with the people in Arkansas? Not only did their Governor pass it but both their senators voted to renew the AWB.
emc wrote:
Another thing that Pryor has wrong is that the Bill of Rights doesn't grant us our Second Amendment rights, but instead acknowledges that these rights are inherent

Good catch. This is very common. I heard two Professors of Constitutional Law recently on NPR talk about the gubmint granting, limiting, revoking, etc. our rights. They [our rights] are not withing the power of any government. We all ought to be catching people and calling them on this. It is extremely important. Otherwise, any majority can vote to revoke any right they think we ought not have.


Politician mentioning hunting = gun grabber.

Heck, y'all are lucky - here in Maryland the gun grabbers don't even have to bother with the "gun owner and hunter" pap.:rolleyes:
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