Shell Carrier for Rifle Stock...

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Jan 6, 2003

I have a Winchester 94 Trapper in 44mag/44sp that I really enjoy shooting. I would like to buy a shell carrier sleeve that I can slip onto to the stock of this rifle to hold a few (5 or 6 or more) rounds of ammo. I've seen these items in some catalogs, but they've primarily been for high-power rifles (like the 30-06 or similar).

Can anyone recommend a resource where I can find a good shell carrier that are designed for handgun (44sp/44mag) rounds? I've checked various catalogs/websites (like Midway USA, Cheaper than Dirt, and Gun Source), and tried one or two cowboy-action-shooting store sites, but didn't have any luck.


What you can do is get one for rifle and cut some material away from each loop at halfway. Then you've got a double row shell carrier. The loops will be tight because they're made for 30-06 and such, but will stretch to fit your 44s. Once the material is cut from the middle, the loops will stretch easier to fit the 44s.
.30-06 has the same case head as a .45acp, so I would assume a shell holder would give a nice fit to a .44spl or mag cartridge. Walmart will typically have something like what you are looking for, but maybe not after the post-hunting season sales. Try your local gunstore.

Most rifle butt cuffs are 'bored straight through' from top to bottom of each shell compartment...if not they can be made so with a few scissor cuts...just tuck 5 up and five down: two pistol shells in each compartment, nose to nose. Voila'!
A couple of feet of 4" black elastic webbing, some velcro and minimal stitching, and you can make your own...I've made quite a few, and they're lots cheaper that way than ready-made. Plus you can customize them to your rifle and cartridge size.
I like to store my rifles with four or five rounds in a butt cuff...handy if you need to 'grab and go'.
i'v got a galco butcuff on my ruger #1 international scout rifle. love it.
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