Shipping an air pistol?

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Apr 23, 2006
I know, this is probably a dumb question. I'm selling an old air pistol, and have been trying to figure out the technicalities of shipping it. Can I just put it a USPS flat rate box and ship it off? Should I require an adult signature for delivery?

I know some states and cities have their own restriction, but assuming it's not going to somewhere like that, I think I can just mail it, but I wanted to make sure. Any ideas?

Data point: I ordered a few air pistols last summer by mail, and they arrived by on of the standard shipping methods, no special paperwork, signatures, stickers or anything else.

So (as you say, avoiding places like Philadelphia :)), I think it's just like you were sending a box of cookies, if cookies were made of metal, wood, plastic and glue.

Dont ship it to NY and id be supprised if UPS would ship it. I said in a previous thread that they wouldnt ship my airsoft M4. They said that dont ship anything that can be used as a weapon. Fedex will ship it in a heartbeat.
It is not a firearm, you can ship it however you want. If you alert a carrier that it is "firearm related" which you do not have to, and end up with problems, that it your fault.

A couple states are more restrictive. Go to any large volume airgun website and view the locations they generaly will not ship to. They usualy make it quite clear what locations have unfavorable laws for doing business. Those locations tend to be in the most liberal parts of the country. MA, NJ, and a few big cities to start with. Michigan considers them firearms, no different than a firearm handgun.
Chicago and NYC are a no (at any point Chicago or NYC can influance and change state laws as well, so keep on top of things)

Just jump on a big airgun sight and see where they will ship pistols to.
You can learn a lot about where you want to live by such things.
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