"Shooting for Survival" FBI training video

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oh my god, that was funny. Gotta love the PSA level acting. The cop at the beginning "moving from cover to cover" made me laugh out loud. Poking his head out for a good 5 seconds before even drawing his sidearm just screams safety, huh.
Interesting, definitely from the 70's, probably the early 70's. Didn't see much funny about it though other than the music and the Dragnet voice over. Lots of guys trained in those close range revolver techniques turned out to be some pretty effective gunfighters. Lee Jordan comes to mind. If I was a bad guy one of the last things in the world I'd want to see is Lee Jordan crouched with his revolver aimed at me. Death would, and did numerous times, follow swiftly.
Is anyplace still teaching the "draw/crouch/shoot" method?

Seems to me that would be good way to stop a round with your face, instead of your 'body armor"
Liquor store owner in a 3 piece suit! A cop that looks like Jessie Jackson! Did you notice how the cop gave a description of the robber without even seeing him or being told by the owner what he was wearing? With Ron McClure from the Simpsons narrating the feature. Great big laughs.
Guy opens the door blindly and shoots a police officer! I think everyone has done that at some point in there life.:barf::D
How far we've come. God, crouch and shoot? That's just horrible. A chest shot would go straight into your face. Sideways point shooting would be a far better way to go. A sideways body is far less to hit than a straight-on body, crouching or otherwise.
Sideways point shooting would be a far better way to go. A sideways body is far less to hit than a straight-on body, crouching or otherwise.
To my understanding a great deal of those that teach shooting to LE don't advocate a bladed stance and would prefer to square off the body armor for maximum protection. I'd be interested in hearing any of our leo's say if thats what they've been taught or not.

If you want a little trip back in time to see more of these older ideas of shooting pick up a copy of http://www.amazon.com/Handgunners-G...9101567?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1188425260&sr=8-3
Well sure, I was speaking more in reference to those of us who don't wear body armor while out and about in town and such. If I had body armor I would much rather take a shell to my plate than one in my shoulder or rib area.
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