shooting glasses

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Oct 18, 2009
Lake Ozarks
Well, it finally happened. I am turning 60, have 17 different rifles, handguns, and shotguns that I've accumulated and I can't enjoy shooting them because I am near sighted. I"m not ready for the rocking chair!!

Eye sight is nothing out of the ordinary, but I need to get some glasses that will allow me to go shooting and enjoy it more and be more effective.

Do I need to go to a regular eye shop and get bifocals....or is there something better.

Thanks......I really appreciate any help.
Beach, I had the same situation when I started wearing glasses. However, being far sighted I was able to have my eye relief adjusted so I could focus with the rear focus ring on the scope. That way I didn't need to wera glasses when I shoot. Last year I had catarac surgery on my shootin eye and now I don't even have a Rx for that eye. I guess i forgot how white snow is or how sharp the recticles in the sacope are. Good luck.
IMHO Most everybody should get an eye exam as often as they can afford. Every 2 years would be the recommended time if you use corrective means now. I always say to myself "GEE I CAN SEE NOW" with each new set I get.:) The professional will be able to find any problems that are hidden from the consumer when getting drug store glasses so do get an appointment. It's hard to shoot when ya can't see the blasted target a'tall.:D
I should have added this to my above post. My wife is an optician and gets asked this equestion often when filling Rx's. She tells me she recommends Trivex lenses that are scratch resistant OR polycarbonite lenses that are shatterproof. She has me in the poly so what would that tell you?
Bifocals won't help much. For sport shooting, I'd suggest getting a proper set of shooting glasses. Knoblock and Champion made good frames. For a prescription, I suggest getting Dr. Toler's kit at
Sadly, I'm on the verge of 30 and I think I may be approaching the need for glasses too. Always had perfect vision growing up, but I guess it comes with age. My close-up vision is still absolutely perfect, but I've noticed things in the distance starting to get just a bit fuzzier. During my last medical check for my pilot's license I had a fair amount of trouble seeing the letters on the bottom line. Got a few wrong. The nurse actually said that I was within limits but if I'd gotten just one more wrong she'd have had to fail my vision check until I got glasses.

I've also had trouble picking out my sights lately against similar colored targets. IE, can't shoot black targets well with black sights - can't shoot gray or white well with silver/stainless sights. The just kinda blur together.

Oh well. When I finally do drop the hammer on it I'll probably go the route of getting a set of prescription safety glasses made. Wearing them in layers just doesn't seem comfortable, and I don't see myself EVER going the contacts route.

Then again, I've heard that Lasik can be used to cure some age related vision problems.
Bifocals are for those who can't see to read or distance. Nearsighted means just that. You can see up close(reading), but stuff a way over there(that may not be that far either) is fuzzy.
You don't go to an optician though. You go to an optometrist to get your eye sight checked, then you go to an optician for the specs. Your MD should be able to set it up. Mind you, health care is different, up here.
All prescription lenses are impact resistant. Asked when I had to get specs. The specs must cover your whole eye for shooting. Nearsighted too and not far behind you in maturity.
Went to an optician chain(Hakim Optical, if they're Stateside) and got 2 pairs of aviator style(A la Raybans) specs for the price of the lenses. One clear and one sunglasses. Wasn't recently though. You'll want the same.
Your State MV types(MO?) will likely insist you wear glasses for driving too.
"...medical check for my pilot's license..." Commercial DL myself. Get to pay $90Cdn for a physical every 3 years. First time after getting the specs, I asked 'em, "What chart?" Been told I'm a trouble making wise guy. snicker.
Ben there -done that. I found that I needed a special set of glassed for handgun shooting as you need to see the sights clearly and the target less so. You may have to go to a scope or red dot.
I no longer have the problem as I had cataracts and had lens replacements in my eyes. Kind of like implanted permanent contacts... The advanced lenses allow me to see great at all distances. Medicare paid for half. Its been a long time since I could use open sights on any firearm..
New lenses are not cheap
I have glasses that are tri-focal and not made much, bottom is for reading, up at the top is focused for looking down the arm and seeing sights better, than the far focus (targert) middle area of glass...

Works good for bullseye practice and exact shooting...Also use them for under dash/sink to see:)

All should see a good eye doctor and not just a sales person imho, similar with ears...
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