SHOT Show Reports, remember when?

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Dec 25, 2002
OKC, Ok. and Austin, TX part time
Hey guys, a lot of new faces around here, but still some of the old names I recognize. I have not been around much for the last 5 years with the career change there is just no time. Not even to lurk. For those of you who remember I use to try to provide a little advanced information about the gun industry from my annual trips to the SHOT Show on the website. I guess I was one of the first bloggers, before we knew that was what it was called. I started that around 1998 and continued until a few years ago. There got to be a bunch of other people doing reports from the SHOT Show and it started to take up so much of my time it really was not needed anymore.

I just booked reservations for my son and I to Las Vegas for the coming show. My son is now writer for Apple and he had an idea that might work for all of us, if you guys are interested. Rather than taking 8-11 hours to post a report everyday, and you guys not getting it until the next morning, we thought about Tweeting our way through the show. We can both post to the same account for near real time information. We can even do some photos when the camera Nazi's aren't hanging around. We thought about it for the last show, but we were already there when we discussed it. We would be posting as we go so anytime you check in you should see something fresh. The old site would get 20,000+ hits during the week of the show and about 35,000 in a two week period so I know that there was at least some interest in the old format. I think that we all had fun with just few negative comments. The downside is that Tweets are limited to 140 character strings, which is a blessing to me that it won't take as long, so maybe not as much detail as before. Probably no Shotties either, there seems to be fewer of them with the downturn in the economy anyway or maybe I am getting older.

So what do you think? Do you want a Twitter based account of the SHOT Show? Is it a good idea?
That reminds me, Ill be there, in Las Vegas, from the 4-10th for work. If only I could Convince them to let me stay another 2 weeks...:D

To answer your question, I think tweeting is a good idea, but why not just make short blog posts? No need to spend 8 hours posting a single in depth report...People will just skip past the stuff they're not interested in anyways if you do that...
It is an interesting idea to tweet from the show, but my personal preference is still a blog report. I don't think folks mind the delay, after all they aren't there anyway, and reading the next day is better than not knowing.

I should admit some bias in this.

A three years ago, I attended with a vendor pass from SigArms. The goal was to get daily reports up for a brand specific forum, so that readers could see what was happening each day after dinner...the the time crunch problem was the time difference of the East coast and getting onto a computer in the Press room.

I'd prefer a more cohesive report with pictures the day after...I didn't have any problems taking whichever pictures I wanted...maybe it was the vendor pass
9mmepiphany - I hear you. I prefer the reports so I could give details of the interviews, the problem was it was taking 8-11 hours each night to cull the info, write the reports, transfer the photos, and upload everything. It got to be a burden and when others started doing it I didn't have to anymore. The Twitter idea allows it to not be quite so much of an drain, but does not allow for as much detail either. Back in the day when I was hitting Paul Pluff for info on the S&W sell out and ended up in an elevator with Don Zilkha, the owner of Colt, who was about to go bankrupt due to an internet campaign, there was a lot more information to report than just the last new shooting toy. Last year the big story was the FBI raid on the first day and the arrest of about 20 vendors. Stuff like that would not get tweeted.
I remember your SHOT show reports from days gone by and I greatly appreciated them.
Personally I am not enamoured of Twitter as a means of communication, it seems far too suited to teenagers going "OMGIMDRUNKKKK WTFBBQ!" and isn't suited for informed conversation. I'm not a member of Generation Text and would not follow it.
I would follow an abbreviated shot show report in the traditional format that covered only a few highlights to keep your time down.
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