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Anybody have pictures of what these detectors look like and the specs on how armored they are? ;)

yo yo yo....

I bet the Homies can make a way phat omnidirectional studio mike out of them provided they aren't too inaccessible. I bet if you look around closely on poles and things, they stick out like a sore thumb.

Here's a thought, one of those sound effects CDs with machine guns firing, cannons going off, various other explosions. That ought to overwhelm those Big Brother gadgets. :D

Can you see these things in big cities; Chicago, Detroit, New York etc.? I wouldn't want to be the guy monitoring the system. Not a moment's peace.
A dispatcher can listen to a snippet of about 6 sec of sound from any sensor to assist in determining the event type: firecracker string, multiple gunshots, shotgun blast, backfire. Trained humans can distinguish the type of event more accurately than is presently possible by a computer using sensor data.

Since they need people to figure out what's happening, I'm guessing the system is all but worthless. Do they really think someone's going to hang around after shooting somebody? While it may help control fireworks and people shooting the sky on New Years, I don't see how it's going to help stop serious crime.
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