Should I call the FBI on a big mouth?

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One of my friends had problems with a motorcycle club. He was tired of these people buzzing down his (at great cost) paved access road at 120 mph as a shortcut between one county road and another. I wanted him to do something decidedly un-high road (A plethora of no trespassing signs, for a week, and if no change.. something else).

Instead, he just had them busted. Message board postings were used as evidence that the group intended to use their shortcut no matter what he wanted them to do.

Edit: Later, the dumbnuts on the board who posted saying they were going to "kill him" and were "furious"at what happened to their brothers-in-trespassing got investigated too. Be careful about e-threats. ;)
Report him to your state authorities. By calling the FBI, you are participating in and acknowledging the fraud that is every federal law enforcement agency. These alphabet soup federal thugs have no legitimate authority to exist, under the Constitution.

By calling state authorities, you've done your duty. If the state authorities choose to call the FBI, that's their problem, but at least your soul will be clean.
My thinking is that the fed gov is a greater threat to us then any terrorist

When was the last time the Federal govmt killed 3000+ innocent people?

If you think there is even a remote chance that he would follow through with his statements make the call.
Be a man and deal with it.

Just because people don't agree with you doesn't mean they are evil and your enemy. People say stupid things all the time, but it certainly doesn't condemn them of anything.

I could find you scores of stupid, reactionary comments here on this board, but people take it in stride.

Grow up.
Linux&Gun Guy said:
No one likes a snitch and they end up in ditches

Its just some idiot - don't worry about it - government contract is the last thing anyone wants

I would have to respectfully disagree. These are not idiots, these are islamic fundamentalist hell bent on the subjugation of Dar al-Harb, which definitely includes America. This is no laughing matter.

I have to believe that FBI counter-terrorism units and the computer crime units take these matters very seriously. Report it anonymously if you wish, but report it ASAP. Counter-terrrorism seems to be one of the hottest issues on the FBI's plate right now, do your country a favor and call this incident in.
By all means goose-step your way to the nearest secret police HQ to resolve a petty internet argument. Sounds like a winning strategy to me. Especially since he made mention of an EVIL firearm.
i take it not many people save the html to their own computers?

if you still use IE, click on File, Save As...
the html and everything on the page you are currently on will be saved to your hard drive. the html file will be in your 'my documents' folder, and the files it saves (attachments, icons, etc) will be in its own folder with a unique name.

you can view that html page any time you wish, even after its taken off the internet.

real helpful when you come across posts that are worth saving for future reference, or for saving news articles.
i'm pretty sure you can share that saved html with others, as long as they have copies of the html and the folder with the attachments.
Lemme share with you a perspective I hope will give you a more objective sense of what to do.

I am a yellow-dog, lily-livered, bleeding-heart, tax-the-rich, Clinton-lovin' Liberal Democrat. I've got little love for my current Commander-in-chief.....but make no mistake, he IS the President, he IS the will of the American people and because I love and respect what the Constitiution stands for, I honor and respect the power he is endowed with, as with Congress, as with the Court. Yes, this nut-job friend of yours probably has geuine gripes with current US policies in the do I. But as much as I disgree with some policies, I stand by the Constitution, I stand by my President, I stand by America...because this is still the greatest nation in the history of humanity.

As far as I'm concerned, this idiot threatened to help overthrow the US gov't...a big-time federal offense. Call whichever law enforcement agency you feel comfortable calling, but DO IT NOW!!! Don't let this weasel be the reason for another bad day in America.
...this idiot threatened to help overthrow the US gov't...

Well if THAT'S all he did maybe we should actually be offering to help him.

But the fact is that isn't what he said. 'I hate America, I'm thinking about getting a gun and joining the fight against Americans.' The government is not America. And, somehow, I don't think the goober was planning on going over to fight US troops, either.

Fine line time. Weighing the need to prevent a possible loon from hurting people, vs turning someone over to a corrupt government because of some words on the 'net(words which apparently no longer even exist). Compromise is what was said above: Turn him over to your locals if your conscience demands you do something. Then, at least, you haven't dealt with the Feebs directly and if there's nothing to it perhaps it won't have to take on the overblown proportions of the Jack-Boots making an "example" of someone.
You ought to report it. Locals aren't going to be concerned with something from the internet. Locals don't have jurisdiction over interstate crimes.

The FBI would be the place to go. The thing is, they have thousands upon thousands of these citizen provided leads that they can't follow up on. If you are in a rural locale, you might get an agent calling you that doesn't have much on his plate, but when he refers it for a collateral, it may or may not get attention, based on where the student is located. By the way, the FBI, and ICE are interested in middle eastern students that may be militants. This is where they want to be spending their intelligence gathering resources. For all you know, they guy may already be under investigation. Maybe he's tied in to some sort of militant group, or associates with a cell somewhere (unknowingly).

Early during Ashcroft's tenure, and shortly after the Patriot Act was enacted, they came up with this idea that citizens should report suspicious activity. I don't like this administration, and I don't like the decisions they make, but I agree that collectively we should be raising our awareness of our surroundings, and report suspiscious acitivities should we come across any. I think this qualifies. The feds might not do anything, but at least you've done your part.
Thanks all. This thread can end. I'm not really sure why, but I can't bring myself to make the call. If someone wants to that's ok with me. But my personel decision is to let it go.
Maybe you should have thought this thing through before posting.

I don't think this is the sort of thing where you need to seek advice. You are either a pro-active person, or not. The offense was either a threat, or not. Why get everyone worked up when you never intended to report this thing? Having said this, I posted a similar thread regarding a bumper sticker promoting the assasination of Bush. In the end, I regretted posting. It really wasn't something that required others to tell me what, or what not to do. Live and learn...

Those that think that the government detects every threat over the Internet must be watching more than their share of movies. You will never know, except in hindsight, when a threat is one that someone follows-up on.
I must agree with Gary.
If you did not have the courage to report one who might kill others, as he has expressed, then what was your point? Did you think that the rest of us were gutless, and would support your position? If so, you were wrong.

Now don't go questioning my courage, manhood etc. I posted because I needed internet information. I got it, and made a decision. I'd respect yours.
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