Sick and Tired of voting "against" someone..

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
I'm about to begin my long campaign of:

"Friends don't let Friends vote for Hillary."

but I was thinking, I am so sick and tired of voting "against" someone, and would love a time when I feel I can spread the word about who to vote for, instead of who to vote against..

So this year, I've decided to balance out my campaign, kind of the ying-and-yang of it..

Taiwanese Americans against Hillary for President.

Taiwanese Americans in support of Ron Paul for President.

And please spare me the "Ron Paul won't win" speech, I vote on principle! Together, we can prevent perhaps the biggest 2nd Amendment tragedy from happening!
By all means, support whoever you like in the primary. But even if your candidate does not win the nomination, don't quit the battle and give the victory and the presidency to someone you like even less than the Republican winner (and yes, I don't think Ron Paul has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Republican nomination). Any of the Republican candidates, including Guliani and Romney, would be better from a 2A point of view than any of the leading Democrats. Personally, I like Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo, but if it is a choice between Guliani and Obama, its an easy decision for me.
If Fred Thompson runs for POTUS, you will actually be able to VOTE FOR a candidate!!!

Any of the Republican candidates, including Guliani and Romney, would be better from a 2A point of view than any of the leading Democrats.

I do not believe that is true, simply because of the political orientation of most gun owners and the NRA.

If a Democrat proposes anything remotely anti-gun, gun owners and the NRA quickly mobilize to squelch it. If the same legislation is proposed by a Republican, gun owners and the NRA look at it a little differently and try to justify it, or minimize its significance. For an example of this, look at John Kerry's position on the Assault Weapons Ban, versus George Bush's position. The two positions were actually the same:both supported the ban. Of course, gun owners tried to claim Bush was only kidding with his support, just playing smart politics, and that he would never actually sign an AWB. But I believe if a bill had been sent to him, he would have been forced to sign it because of his strong support of the AWB verbally, or else makes his father's "read my lips" comment about raising taxes look like nothing. Kerry's statements about the AWB were essentially the same as Bush, but he was ripped a new one over it.

I think Giuliani is a gun-grabber, and will have no problem bartering away the 2nd Amendment if he needs to in order to accomplish other parts of his agenda. I believe of all the candidates, and this includes Hillary and Obama, he would be most damaging to the 2nd Amendment. Its not because Hillary or Obama are gun friendly, clearly they are not. It is just that any anti-gun proposals they make will be aggressively battled by gun owners and the NRA. Giuliani will not have as much opposition on the gun issue.
Hey, on this one I can actually agree with you Gunman. :)

That said... I'm inclined to think that with Guiliani at least, the RKBA community already has it's hackles up enough we'd treat him in the presidency with just as much skepticism as a Democrat POTUS. McCain I dunno, Romney, I dunno... but with his history I don't see Guiliani getting anything like the pass Bush did.

While it is very honorable to vote with conviction, rather than voting "against" a particular candidate, I can only bring up the name ROSS PEROT! He was a "spoiler", and gave us 8 years of Bill Clinton!

I am with many of you, in that Ron Paul SOUNDS like the best candidate as of this moment, BUT....Fred Thompson has shown to be a viable candidate, even though he hasn't yet "officially" thrown his hat into the fray.

I'm not "against" the Mormon candidate, for being a Mormon. I'm not "for" the st-st-stutterer from New York just for what he "supposedly" did during the aftermath of 9-11-01. Nor am I "for" the one who has been so vocal about illegal immigration....the ONE item that seems to be his "expertise".

Heavens, I am definitely not "for" someone with a "rock star" persona, and could care less if he is of a mixed marriage/relationship, even though that candidate might be BETTER than someone who may think that SHE has already been the President for 8 years in the past!

Lots of time left before making a final decision! I want to see ALL of the candidates thrash and bash each other! It'll make for some very interesting watching, and definitely better than sitting on pins and needles, waiting for the DNA results of who the REAL father of the Smith baby is!

HAHA! Have Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera put on the boxing gloves as guests on "The View"! Rosie can be the referee, and the winner gets to swing up-side-down on her "depression machine"!
That's the sort of rallying cry that starts yet another whining third party thread. Do yourself a favor and don't be so heavily invested in presidential races.

My greatest concern from an RKBA standpoint and re the POTUS is who will be nominating justices to the Supreme Court. One could probably make a bigger difference by focusing on which Senators and which majority party in the Judiciary Committee passes on those nominations. A third party President (a fantasy) or some off the wall nominee from a rogue like Dr. No (Ron Paul) would get little support from any of them. What I would hope for are nominees from a President seen by the Senate as a strong titular leader of the majority party. Of course, you want that party to be sufficiently pro-2A to affect the Supreme Court in that direction.

What that all means is that in 2008 the Senate majority has to go to the GOP, regardless of who becomes the President.

In any case, I prefer to look back and feel like I made some difference rather than spit into the wind or lived in a fantasy world. That would mean voting for someone with at least a remote chance of actually winning, a real world candidate.

At least we vote or plan to and try to become informed beyond who wears the best looking tie and has the slickest answers in a debate.
All but two of the Supreme Court justices are already Republican nominees anyway. Republican appointed justices are not consistently conservative, or strict constructionists. I agree they are better than Democrat nominees in general though.
In the primary, I vote for the candidate that most resembles my views, regardless of chance of victory.

However, come the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November, I take very much into consideration the chance of victory for each candidate.

I would rather have someone who is basically for us in office than someone who is totally against us.

Saying that, I will not vote for a gun-grabber like Giuliani.
In the primary, I vote for the candidate that most resembles my views, regardless of chance of victory.

That may have a nice ring to it, but I think Republicans are looking at a need to vote against someone winning a primary. They also have to look at who is the more likely to hold off a strong Democratic front runner. There project to be some pretty bittersweet choices in 2008.
That's the sort of rallying cry that starts yet another whining third party thread. Do yourself a favor and don't be so heavily invested in presidential races.

The problem is, they take my money and invest it for me.. :cuss:

We can debate about who the "better" candidate is; that's not my worry; If Billary "it takes a village" Clinton wins, we are in for plagues of Biblical proportions..

BTW, nobody says you had to be a Taiwanese-American to support what I'm saying..
I don't care if you're a damn Iranian, Ethiopian or a Mexican, if you support the American/Conservative values Ron Paul stands for, I'm buyin' you a brew and standin' with ya.
End of story...

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