Sight picture pictures

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Feb 25, 2005
Hi all,
I have a thread over in the Autoloaders section about Glock 17/34....a member posted a picture of his glock with upgraded sights on it, from the side and the actual sight picture. I see a lot of posts asking about peoples sight setups, and thought that this simple format of pictures would be an excelent tool for all handgunners. So....if you have upgraded sights on your hand gun and a way to post pictures please do so. I think it will be a great help to a lot of people. Please include a short description too.

gbunder has it. generally, the front sight should be centered in the rear sight equa distant from the sides and the top of the front site even with the top of the rear one. hopefully you can understand what i said here. i reread it and it is about the best i can do to explain it on paper. sorry i cant post a pic
My Glock 24 P with JP Custom Double Ring sights.


A picture I made up of how I was changing the sights on my Delta Elite from a standard 3 dot to and over-under dot like on the Hienie Straight Eights. Red dots are the old rears, the white dot is the one I added. I have since blacked out the side dots.


In both of these pics the sight picture is pointed slightly high. Must be something about how I took them.
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