Sight replacement

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Apr 14, 2009
Topeka, KS
I'm replacing front sight on M94. I used a brass punch/drift to get the old sight out and am having a hard time getting the new marble sight in. I think i remember hearing these sometimes need to be filed to get the fit right. There isn't much to work with. What type of file do i need? THis is getting freaking expensive. Punch/drift set, sight, need a gun vice, now i need some kind of file. Any suggestions on file? thanks
You need a triangular file with at least one safe edge. File the dovetail portion of the sight until it can start in the ramp - usually from the right side.
I always just rub the bottom of the sight, NEVER the barrel unless it's not square and true. Few passes over a piece of 180 grit on a hard, flat surface usually do the trick. Didn't work? Try a few more passes.
DO NOT use a triangle file to work over either dovetail. The barrel, or the sight.

Take metal off the bottom of the sight until it will start in the barrel.

A flat fine-cut file is best.
But you can do it with a .25 cent sheet of sandpaper laid on a flat surface. Just rub the bottom of the sight blade on it until it will start.

"But you can do it with a .25 cent sheet of sandpaper laid on a flat surface"

It's been quite a while since any decent sheet of sandpaper could be had for twenty five cents, six bits. :)
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