Silly pins and patches seem to abound these days

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No offense to anyone that does this, but I don’t understand coordinating a matching knife with a flashlight, pry tool, tactical pen, handkerchief and watch. Nothing wrong with carrying any of that I suppose, but it strikes me as a strange “EDC load out”. It seems like it is all setup to be photographed for show and tell. Again, I don’t feel any disdain for those who do so, I just don’t get it, is all. No big surprise there. I’m now old enough to consider the late 90’s as recent.

I guess what I am trying to say is; Get off my lawn!
All of these trinkets... only have value if there's folks around with spare change and no pressing needs.... Given our country's current leadership - that's a situation that will change -and not for the better if you're a seller...

Can't wait until November comes around...
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