Slight Rust spots...Kroil and 0000 Steel Wool?

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In that case, I'd probably try Flitz or Simichrome too. The steel wool and oil works and you might get by with a nylon brush and Kroil. IMHO, I'd go with the least abrasive option first (brush/oil), then Flitz and finally steel wool.

I've heard of but never tried just soaking the rust spot in oil and trying to wipe it off with a cloth. Worth a try....
try soaking it in oil then wiping it off with a rag, if that doesn't work try using a nylon brush with oil, if that doesnt work try the finest bronze wool and oil you can find. and as a last resort use 0000 steel wool.

i doubt any of those will harm the blueing but there is the chance that they will. 0000 steel wool has the greatest chance of damage but is still very slight
Gentle rubbing and 0000 steel wool and lots of oil will remove surface rust without harming the bluing. At least not on any of the several hundred guns I've done while working in the shop. I once tried to damage the bluing on a rusty scrap barrel and after 10 minutes of white knuckle rubbing, managed to fade the blue slightly.

Don't use any other abrasive.
I would also recommend Barricade - It was recommended to me and worked GREAT for taking the typical rust off a Remington 700 barrel.

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