So is...???

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Oct 23, 2012
Wichita, KS
"Hoppes" pronounced "hops" or "hoppy's"??

I've always said it "hops" as I went to school with a guy named Hoppes pronounced "Hops"

Today I heard it referred to as "Hoppy's"

What say you?
hops. Like the rabbit. That's how I've always said it. But apparently it's actually hoppys in their commercials, so I figure that's the canonical pronunciation.
Around Iowa I've always heard it called hoppy's. Good question on the original intent though.
I used to pronounce it "Hops", then started shooting with a group of guys who all pronounce it "Hoppies". So now it's "Hoppies".
My father pronounces it "Hoppies" so I just took it from him - though I know it's most likely properly pronounced "Hops."

I can smell that stuff a thousand yards away. :)
#9 in my house... course my old man would say..'go hop your *** over and get me the bottle of #9'.....

maybe I miss heard his affections... :)
However you pronounce it, it's my new favorite cologne.
I think I'm going to be a rebel and go with "hops" Because... well... calling it "hoppy's" just feels silly.
I suppose it depends on the individuals context in other words you ask "What kind of cleaner do you use?" and they respond "Old Hoppies works for me." > you would just have to know he meant Hoppes #9. (But yeah... hops like a rabbit)
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