So, what are my hunting options if moving to Houston?

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Dec 23, 2003
Question is simple: moving to Houston, what and where can I hunt?

Please note that I will never, ever pay $3000 for a caged whitetail. :D

There are 4 million whitetail deer and 2 million feral pigs in Texas ! Coyotes also.
There are 4 million whitetail deer and 2 million feral pigs in Texas ! Coyotes also.

And damn if I don't see twice as many pigs as I do deer. Do the math on that one!


brad cook
First, find a local office of the Texas Parks & Wildlife Commission. They have a program for public hunting on private lands, notably timber company tracts in eastern Texas. There are also drawings for hunting deer and javelina in Wildlife Management Areas.

Gun stores such as Carter Country often have bulletin boards with info about lease lands.

On the coast you'll find a lot of goose hunting.

Several TFL and THR folks from Houston...

:), Art
Oh yeah, lots of good duck hunting down there too if you can find a place. Texas has turkeys, dove and quail too in various places. Not sure which of those are down Houston way except for dove.

brad cook
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