So.....when are we going to break up Opec

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Aug 30, 2004
I want to see Russian oil, South American OIL, US oil, UK oil all on the open market.....letting the open market control the price. Will this happen?
The Russian fields are not as developed, from what I understand.
Venezuala is our #5 oil source, but we are having disputes with Chavez.

Some will say that with a Bush/Cheney Whitehouse, you will not see non-Opec oil. Even in a blind trust, if their money is in energy stocks, they are making a killing.
Believe who you will.
OPEC will die an instant death with the first successful fusion reactor.

Isn't it ironic that the only way the last surviving superpower can win its independence from a few medieval despots is through scientific research?

In fusion, the hydrogen from 9 lbs of water would release the equivalent energy of burning 10,000 tons of coal. I think this is a good exchange ratio. :)

Besides, the electrolysis of water would release oxygen at the expense of some of the electrical power from the fusion reactor. Last time I checked, that is pretty good for us. :)

Finally, fusion does not stop at helium but would continue to carbon, etc. until it reaches iron, due to the mass defect curve. Again, iron is not too bad for us, while more energy is released through the stages from the same initial quantity of hydrogen.

Let's face it, short of draconian measures to contain the world population, fusion is our ONLY chance. ;)
Just wait for it....

On the day when the first successful, controlled fusion reactor is put online, some chowderheaded bliss-ninny is gonna have a conniption over the "Evil rethugs turning the blood of Gaia, (water) into their phallic guns (iron) to rape the planet!"
Mark my words, (aside from any unforseen disasters like the one we just faced, or some HUGE terrorist attack) oil will be below $35 a barrel within one year.

Within five years, it will be in the mid to lower $20's.

There is still tons of oil out there, boys and girls. It is simply a matter of getting it out of the ground and refined. I believe this current crisis will force politicians to loosen EPA regulations and open several more refineries.

Now, about the price of gasoline, who knows how much that will come down? If demand is still high at $3 a gallon, I wouldn't expect the major oil companies to lower it too much.

We will never see sub-$2 gas again. But I think we'll get pretty close.


Stinger (who is a glass-is-half-full kinda guy who gets 11mpg)

p.s. I am serious
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