So you want a new Smith or Ruger?

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May 28, 2009
Northern Ca. (No-not Frisco.)

Well if you live in the Golden State-California, you may be out of luck! As of April 1 2014 over 500 models of handguns will no longer be available for sale in this state. Don't believe me? Go to the the site below.

This is what happens when politicians get completely out of control.

Beware...May be coming to your state in the very near future. :confused:
A bunch of 1911s and Revolvers among many others.

It would seem they are restricting more ordinary handguns now and not just the scary ones.
This is nothing new ... been happening every year since they established "the list". MFG has to pay to have the gun retested/listed. If they don't sell it new anymore, they don't bother.

Y'all stop electing them politicians and you won't have this problem.
Unfortunately, this isn't news.

I feel bad for out California brothers. Friends, do not fret. You still have many a fine firearm to chose from.
The handwriting is on the wall. Its not going to get any better in that state for firearm owners, without massive changes in their government. The good guys are outnumbered and its getting worse all the time.
I live on the west coast.

I'm glad we have California.

It's a place where people can live and feel safe.

I need a place where those people can live and feel safe.

I love California. :D
This is the plan. Companies take their models off the list because they don't pay, and Cali people are unable to get handguns, thereby violating the Second Amendment and opening 'the list' up to legislative/judicial scrutiny.

I won't be surprised if more companies follow suit.

Its darkest just before dawn.
I bought my first handgun while going to college in San Diego. Glad that security six will soon be a collector piece.
My question is how many have/will boycott the gun companies that have chose to micro-stamp? At this point it seems the sensible thing for us outside of those states to do to help rectify the situation. This may be one of the biggest ways we can have an impact for our 2a friendlies in not so friendly states besides throwing money at it directly! Only question is, how the pro 2a in those respective states feel about it. I mean it affects them directly and immediately. I feel a poll coming..:D
My question is how many have/will boycott the gun companies that have chose to micro-stamp? At this point it seems the sensible thing for us outside of those states to do to help rectify the situation. This may be one of the biggest ways we can have an impact for our 2a friendlies in not so friendly states besides throwing money at it directly! Only question is, how the pro 2a in those respective states feel about it. I mean it affects them directly and immediately. I feel a poll coming..:D

I really don't think it's that simple.

Microstamping is the fault of the politicians, not the companies that they force the rule on.

If a company stops sales to California because of the microstamping requirement, do you honestly think that it's a result that the California legislature wasn't expecting? Do you think that the legislators are bemoaning their decision because manufacturers aren't selling guns there anymore? Companies that pull out of California are, in essence, denying the citizens of California the ability to buy their new manufacture guns. I would say that is exactly what the anti-gun legislators in California wanted. How should we respond to this? By boycotting the manufacturers that comply with the law and continue to give Californians the ability to keep buying their guns? That seems backwards to me.
I really don't think it's that simple.

Microstamping is the fault of the politicians, not the companies that they force the rule on.

If a company stops sales to California because of the microstamping requirement, do you honestly think that it's a result that the California legislature wasn't expecting? Do you think that the legislators are bemoaning their decision because manufacturers aren't selling guns there anymore? Companies that pull out of California are, in essence, denying the citizens of California the ability to buy their new manufacture guns. I would say that is exactly what the anti-gun legislators in California wanted. How should we respond to this? By boycotting the manufacturers that comply with the law and continue to give Californians the ability to keep buying their guns? That seems backwards to me.
Maybe if the manufacturers do pull out and make it virtually impossible for the people in CA to buy new guns, they will either revolt or leave and take their tax base with them. That's the only ways it will ever change there.
The insane anti-gunners in California are absolutely delighted with this development. They still stupidly believe fewer guns make them safer.
The amount of bribe the manufacturers were extorted out of has run out. Time for new bribe payment to continue business. No legislation for principal, just institutionalized extortion. They govern that way in Afghanistan right? Should work in Cali.
Wow!!! 41 pages of banned weapons. Almost every handgun that is in my safe is on that list. Guess I'll stay in SC.
Baron Null said:
How should we respond to this? By boycotting the manufacturers that comply with the law and continue to give Californians the ability to keep buying their guns?

Yes, that is EXACTLY how we should respond if we wish to keep this nonsense from spreading to other states/federal laws. And, as I am assuming the stamping requirements are waived for LE/gov't, the boycott should extend to mfgr's who provide weapons to them. Let the state feel the same pinch that they are forcing on the citizens. You reach a point where you just gotta say "enough".......
Maybe if the manufacturers do pull out and make it virtually impossible for the people in CA to buy new guns, they will either revolt or leave and take their tax base with them. That's the only ways it will ever change there.
Much as I do agree with that sentiment, the reality is quite different.

The days of public insurrection are over, and I doubt that anything would come out of it anyway, the general public, at least in California is not up to the task.

As for leaving the state and taking the "tax base" else elsewhere, it's a lot easier said than done. How many people that have lived here all, or most of their lives do you think would even consider that?

Would you sell your house, quit your job, leave your family and friends behind and move out of state for your principles? I doubt it. Today's economy pretty much precludes that.
What needs to happen is for manufacturers to only sell compliant guns even to Law Enforcement. When government agents find themselves limited to the restrictions pit on everyone else I bet there would be the impetus to change. Sadly I dont see that happening
Yes, that is EXACTLY how we should respond if we wish to keep this nonsense from spreading to other states/federal laws. And, as I am assuming the stamping requirements are waived for LE/gov't, the boycott should extend to mfgr's who provide weapons to them. Let the state feel the same pinch that they are forcing on the citizens. You reach a point where you just gotta say "enough".......

If anything, it'll do the complete opposite. The legislators will see that gun owners will turn against manufacturers if said manufacturers comply with the requirements, and will not be able to buy from manufacturers who do not comply.

Sounds like a fantastic opportunity to get people to turn against those who are still in the market while also restricting the guns that they can buy.

Now, if a gun manufacturer were to advocate and lobby for micro-stamping in order to reduce the competition in the market, I would support a boycott on that manufacturer. I also support companies that refuse to sell to LE in states that do not "allow" their citizens to own the same guns that LE has access to.
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