So you want a new Smith or Ruger?

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That's just the way it is. Nothing will change unless a federal law governing permits and weapons is put into effect. If there is a National Carry license, then CA would have to allow gun owners from other states to carry their guns there also.
At that point I doubt they could enforce which ones you could and couldn't carry. Either that or the federal law would have to spell it out, that those prohibited guns are now legal.
There needs to be a generational change there. perhaps when the Feinstein's and Bloomberg's of the world die off, this will all straighten itself out.
Since the Statists exempt their minions from the petty restrictions that we Commoners need to be "safe", it will take a patriotic manufacturer to resist the lucrative government contracts. A few have, but I bet Gaston won't.
That's just the way it is. Nothing will change unless a federal law governing permits and weapons is put into effect. If there is a National Carry license, then CA would have to allow gun owners from other states to carry their guns there also.

Right to carry and types of weapons are two different issues.

The supreme court has weighed in on right to carry but will never consider any action that would challenge the states rights to regulate firearms. The BOR is clear on this issue as far as the supreme court is concerned.

Smith and Ruger have made a business decision. The cost to become CA compliant isn't profitable just to sell in a few states. If the trend spreads then they might but I think they are betting that won't happen.

I'm a firm believer in states rights. If CA wants a nanny state then I say the residence have a right to have one. These things get decided in elections and most everyone gets to vote. CA has a lot of laws that you won't find in other parts of the country and most of the people there obviously like them or the laws wouldn't exist.

We have enough fed intervention in our lives. One size doesn't fit everyone. I've seen a few good things come out of congress but nothing of late.
Maryland has had a list of "approved weapons" for decades. The Handgun Roster Board isn't quite as zealous as California. It has also proven very friendly to in-state manufacturers. Beretta was allowed to sell their 950 and 21 series mini-guns when just about everyone elses was banned.

The citizens of California need to campaign to do away with exemptions in firearms law. If a law about a design is important for the public safety, it MUST, therefore be of importance when the guns in question are loose in the public in the hands of security and law enforcement. Lost and stolen guns that belong to the Police are used by criminals in the exact same manner as civilians. Remember, it's for the children.
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