Some autoloader collection pics...


Oct 13, 2010
Was cleaning out my gun room and decided to photograph my guns. Many haven't seen the light of day in a while, so that was as good a reason as any.

I stronger prefer the high end market. Quality way over quantity

My tools to start, carry guns, HD guns, and the 502 as a training tool

Some Wilsons and Nighthawks

SA Custom, RRA, and Guncrafter

Ed Brown and Les Baer

Cabot and ACW

Some misfit 1911's

Some 2011's

Some more 2011's

Browning Hi Power...collectibles only. I hate shooting them

CZ and CZ Custom. I threw a Dan Wesson in there also

Laugo Aliens

Arma Zeka and FK BRNO...nothing in common other than both are Czech

Walthers old and new

HK's old and new

Some cool Berettas. Not a 92 fan, but what the heck...

Some Strike One Ergals and a Tonfo...all built in the same factory

Some Pardinis

Keeping with the Italian theme, some super duper exotica

Phoenix AG from Switzerland....some of the finest pistols I've ever shot

Keeping it in Switzerland, some Sig P210's

The absolute finest from Germany and crazy money to boot

Sig Mastershop

Some cool American Sigs

Bren Ten

S&W Performance Center...too bad it shut down

Just some cool domestics that don't fit elsewhere

Some exotic Euro pistols

The only one who can outdo bc is… bc! Truly amazing. Now we know what the “1023” means in his handle - the number of handguns on his iconic rug at any given time!
You have to give respect to his collection and willingness to drop a dime on custom guns QUICK!

Wealth Question: If you had say a net worth of $25,000,000 and know you can buy what ever gun you want. Would you? Is the thrill still there if you didn’t have to budget and worry about what they spouse would say about your gun spending? I know you got a tight collection too. But does buying a .44 Bulldog give you the same feeling as a Korth Revolver?? hummmm
You have to give respect to his collection and willingness to drop a dime on custom guns QUICK!

Wealth Question: If you had say a net worth of $25,000,000 and know you can buy what ever gun you want. Would you? Is the thrill still there if you didn’t have to budget and worry about what they spouse would say about your gun spending? I know you got a tight collection too. But does buying a .44 Bulldog give you the same feeling as a Korth Revolver?? hummmm
I'm just glad there's so many broke down old wore out pieces of junk out there or I wouldn't have a collection at all🤣
I like crusty rusty guns too!
I see the basket cases and broke down taped up piles at flea markets and such and I swear they cry out to me. Save me save me! The great thing about the old stuff is it was made out of good materials and usually can be saved. And if its beyond repair or safe repair I use there good parts for other projects to save the next one. Worst case clean them up good and stick them on a wall for decoration.
I see the basket cases and broke down taped up piles at flea markets and such and I swear they cry out to me. Save me save me! The great thing about the old stuff is it was made out of good materials and usually can be saved. And if its beyond repair or safe repair I use there good parts for other projects to save the next one. Worst case clean them up good and stick them on a wall for decoration.
Love old Colts beaters! They don’t make them like the use to
Love it -you’ve got some very interesting pieces!

Of all of them, what’s your favorite 9mm to take out and exercise?
Do you ever shoot any of your impressive collection, or just shoot one of those in your first picture ?
Mark Mark:

I couldn’t speak for bc1023 as his collection literally dwarfs mine in scope and value, but you’ve offered an interesting question. Is buying a CA Bulldog as thrilling as buying a Korth? Having both a Bulldog and a Korth, and loving them both, I feel I am qualified to offer an answer,

They are both equally thrilling, but in a different kind of way - generally relating to expectations. When I bought my Korth, the excitement related to then storied history of the brand, the obvious fine quality of the build, and the anticipation of a shooting experience “par excellence.” My excitement turned to satisfaction and joy when I found that it performed at the range in excess of my expectations. It’s a functional work of art.

With the Bulldog, the excitement was more practical. I had wanted one for, oh, 40 years? And the idea of a very lightweight, pocketable big-bore has always been appealing to me immensely. In buying it, I guess ai also had a bit of anticipatory excitement/anxiety about what was going to happen with it. Will the trigger lock up? Will it be out of time and spit lead? Will it shoot to point of aim? Will it stand up to 5000 rounds? Again, excitement turned to satisfaction and pride of ownership when ai discovered that all my el-cheapo .44 needed was a little turn of the barrel to align POA/POI at 15 yards. I really love that big-little thing.

So for me, yes, the excitement is still there. I have Nighthawks that cost many thousands of dollars but I’m just as excited about the fact that my CZ P10 was cheap as Hell but runs like a randy cheetah. I suppose you could just dismiss this whole thesis and say, “the guy just likes buying guns.” That is true, but there are many nuances to it all.

I’m still so glad that bc1023 has decided to adopt me and that, soon, we’ll be a happy family. Much of my decor matches his rug, so that’s serendipitous too. :)