Some floral carving

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Sixgun Nut
Jan 27, 2006
West Tennessee
I always loved floral carved leather and have wanted to try it for some time. I bought a swivel knife and some assorted stamps for the task last year but just hadn't had time to put them to use. I got inspired last week and decided to finally try my hand at it. Will Ghormley, who did the leatherwork for the remake of 3:10 to Yuma has also graciously provided pattern packs and a nice tutorial for the "Hand of God" rig that Russell Crowe wore in the movie. I thought it'd be perfect for my first try. I need a few more stamps and a better swivel knife blade but I think it turned out pretty good. He designed it for fast work so it does have a slight muzzle forward cant, which you can see in the third pic. Otherwise, it fits very well as is. I'll need to do some more practice pieces but will probably go ahead and start offering it for those who are interested.



That looks very nice. :cool:

Years ago when I was a school kid, I was in an Industrial Arts class for two years which the primary purpose of us being there was leather work like you did there. I really liked doing the work. I lost my tools years ago though.

Maybe in a few years I'll look into it again. There is still a Tandy Leather not too far from me.
Looks great!! Especially for your first time. Definitely a cool skill to have.
I'll need to do some more practice pieces but will probably go ahead and start offering it for those who are interested.

what would you charge for your work looks good
Real nice Craig! You getting ready to make your masterpiece for that custom build you have going on?
Thanks all very much for the kind words! :)

That's your first attempt?
Yep, I played with the bevelers a little bit but this was the first actual carving.

Time to quit your day job. maybe!
Can I get in line for one?
I'm afraid this will always have to be a part-time endeavor but I look forward to having more time to put into it in the future. Contact me through the website if you're interested.

what would you charge for your work looks good
I've tentatively posted floral prices on the website. It might have to be adjusted in the future.

You getting ready to make your masterpiece for that custom build you have going on?
Not yet but I've been pondering on ideas for that rig. Need to finish the first elephant holster I started and I've got a request for another.

always like your finish, not too glossy or dull just about perfect
Thanks! I like to buff it to a nice shine but try to avoid the plastic look you get with some finishes.
It is and I've learned to strike while the iron is hot. Every time I've gotten that itch and gone into the shop to scratch it, good things have come out of it. ;)
Do you suppose one of your practice pieces could include a lefty for a gumment 1911? I've got a left-over El Paso Saddlery belt that would look really good with that holster.
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