Something you don't see every day

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Taurus 66

Dec 9, 2004
Rochester, NY
This just happened around 2:30 today. This is not a prank.

A cowboy came by way of horse and stood for a moment on my front lawn while his horse rested and ate some of my lawn (lol). He asked me how to get to New York City. I thought, "You must be kidding ... on horse?!" he said, "Yes, I'm coming from Ft. Worth and am heading to The Big City." .. then he went on about some big political convention down there that he will be attending, but I didn't pay much attention to that part. I was preoccupied with Sam eating away patches of grass. And besides, I learned long ago to never ask a man too much about his business.

So since he fits the stereotypical gunslinger (or perhaps just peace going), I had to ask if he's ever heard of THR. He has heard of it, but needed a reminder what it was about. "It's about RKBA and responsible gun ownership." - my condensed version. His response: "Guns kill, drugs kill, so do cars, planes and trains. If you outlaw one, you will have to outlaw all the others too."

I disagree with the "Guns kill" part, but we did agree on closing the borders with Mexico, and that Rush Limbaugh is nothing more than a puppet for the republican party.

Fred expects to arrive in New York by no later than Wednesday.

Wherever you are tonight, good luck and godspeed cowboy.
This happened where you are from? Fort Worth to New York City and he is asking for directions way up by Lake Ontario? I'd of had to buy that guy a compass... And a big steak dinner.
Ryder, yes, this happened right here off Rt 33.

I was going to let him know the CSX mainline goes from Buffalo to Albany, then wyes and goes south to NYC. Railroads make for better trailways than asphalt roads. I didn't bring it up because it might be something he'd consider, and an all day pounding from the ballast on the hooves would probably not be a good thing. Heck if I know roads to get there outside the Thruway.

I'd of had to buy that guy a compass... And a big steak dinner.

That's where my generosity failed me. :( My compassion level has been compromised somewhat by being taken advantage of too many times before. But this cowboy sure looked and sounded like the real McCoy. I had no reason to doubt him.
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