Sonic Cleaner for cylinder and parts?

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Jun 29, 2011
I've been pondering using the Hornady Sonic Cleaner 2L for my cap & ball cylinders. Mainly just take off the nipples and put them in there together but with the nipples removed. Has anyone tried this? I'll probably stick with cleaning the frame by hand, but what about the barrel too?
I got the cheapo harbor freight ultrasonic and it works well on my cylinders. In fact, when I tear down my 1858 Remington, everything except the frame goes into the cleaner. Yes, I remove the nipples and use hot water along with the powdered cleaner HF sells. It's just a small ultrasonic but works very well on gun parts. Just make sure to dry everything well and lube it up before storing it away. I also use it to clean the breech plug on my CVA buckhorn as well as the striker .... I even put the whole slide from my S&W bodyguard into it occasionally for a good cleaning.
We have sonic cleaners at school. I found that sonic cleaners only supplement and do not replace scrubbing.
I recently bought one of those HF sonic cleaners and the Hornady solution. It worked good considering the guns were filthy but they still needed some scrubbing here and there (chambers especially). I used half the bottle and distilled water. Next time around I'll try Simple Green.
Agree with you Duncaninfrance. They make it easier but ultimately old fashion elbow grease (as we call "work") is still required.
Ultrasonic cleaners are as good as the cleaning solution you use in them. I used an ultrasonic cleaner for years in my job and they work semi-well with the right cleaning solution.

They are not miracle machines.
Step: 1 Remove cylinder and grips and pop into dishwasher.
Step: 2 Disassemble completely and completely scrub down using Ballistol (hold nose).
Step: 3 Drop into pre-heated ultrasonic cleaner (Harbor Freight) spray w/simple green.
Step: 4 Dry completely, finishing off with hair dryer.
Step: 5 Reassemble, anti-seize on nipples, coat with Ballistol or Kroil or Eezox or....
Step: 1 Remove cylinder and grips and pop into dishwasher.
Step: 2 Disassemble completely and completely scrub down using Ballistol (hold nose).
Step: 3 Drop into pre-heated ultrasonic cleaner (Harbor Freight) spray w/simple green.
Step: 4 Dry completely, finishing off with hair dryer.
Step: 5 Reassemble, anti-seize on nipples, coat with Ballistol or Kroil or Eezox or....

Looks like you have a lot of free time and possibly no wife :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Au contraire! I have several ex-wives. Where do you think I got the dishwasher and hair dryer.
Cleaning with an ultrasonic

I"m a dental tech and I have a pretty good ultrasonic cleaner. I throw the cylinder in after removing the nips (they go in, too), for a few minutes. I also scrub it all, the ultrasonic does lift off the first couple of layers. Ya still gotta scrub it....remember, it's a disipline.
The ultrasonic cleaner is really good for places you just can't get to, deep inside the frame, screw and pin holes....and it's just plain nice for finishing up.
After reading all these posts in this thread, all I would say is "keep it simple, not simpler".:confused:
After reading all of this I think I'm going to try it out since I already have the cleaner and all. Probably just put it in with some soapy water for 30 minutes then take a toothbrush to it and in for another 30 minutes and see how it comes out. If it sucks, then back to elbow grease! Thanks everybody!
It does a good job if you do it after you are done that day.I mix it double so it will do a good job. I also mix my brass cleaner double strength. I use the Lyman cleaner's.
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