Source for inexpensive folders (<$1) by the 100/gross? (for giveaways)

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Dec 28, 2002
I've been doing my "Johnny Knifeseed" schtick for a month now, have given out around 30 little SAK-clones as tips, random gifts, etc. Gotten nothing but positive reactions.

The first 30 set me back about 75c each (new Uticas from SMKW's site). Got a bulk-lot of 30 TSA-confiscated SAK-clones for $14.

I imagine that I can bring the price even lower if I buy by the hundred or gross. Looking for a decent little stainless-steel folder, overseas-made is fine. Either a little mini-SAK keychain ring, or an inexpensive pseudo-Buck type. Nothing too hi-speed or threatening looking, just a cute little keychain knife.

The overall intent is for more and more folks to view a pocketknife as a useful tool that all responsible adults carry. I make special effort to leave them as tips (in addition to 20% cash tip) at hippie coffeeshops, college-kid waiters, etc.

If I could afford it, I'd leave Douk-Douks. However, as it stands now I'm looking at the 50c-75c range for a big ol' bagfull o' cheapies. $10 a month to get 20 kids to, maybe, carry a pocketknife -- worthwhile investment.


Thanks, -MV
Nice idea but I think you have a tough row to hoe.

All my kids have sak's, but they mostly stay hoem because they are illegal at school.

Illegal on planes . . . . they'll be illegal in the workplace pretty soon too.

Good luck . . . . I am never without mine.
Pm me your address and I'll send a little something your way. When I was going to UT people always used to get freaked when I took out my knife to open something or cut something. This is a great way to get them to see pocket knives as tools and not as "Evil Baby Killing Machetes"


While I like the idea a lot I'd be careful about what you pick. There are inexpensive little knives out there and then there are POS inexpensive. I'd avoid the POS stuff like the plague simply because junk can turn people off pretty quick.

Let me root around and see what the best non-junk little knives are out there and I'll get back to you. I'm skeptical of anything in the price range you're thinking about, but you can find batches of older small quality pocket knives for next to nothing that come out to under a $1 each.
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I think the best thing you could do would be to buy a carton of SM's inexpensive carton cutters and put a label on each of your design.

Something like -

Thanks for the great service. At some point during the day you may need to cut a string/tape/package/band. As long as you remember to always cut away from you this will do the job safely. Thanks again.
The last BUDK Catalog I recieved (unsolicited last Spring) advertised some small (<2" blade) keychain lock knives @ about $5 for a tub of 36 +PP. The type of little keychain lock knife you find at any hardware or auto parts store for about $3 each.
While I like the idea a lot I'd be careful about what you pick. There are inexpensive little knives out there and then there are POS inexpensive. I'd avoid the POS stuff like the plague simply because junk can turn people off pretty quick.


I bought a few dozen of these Uticas on closeout from SMKW, and they're great for the pricepoint.

The little carton-openers aren't quite as versatile, and don't quite push the "knife-comfort" zone as much as I'd like.

If I could buy those Uticas by the gross, that might be the best option.

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