Speaking of "surrender monkeys," Howard Dean for president.

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Jan 1, 2003
Brasher Falls NY
I heard Howard Dean say he was one of the real Democrats who is running for President. If he's a "real" Democrat, the Democrats and the whole nation is in worse trouble than even I thought.

What makes him a real Democrat? He would run to the UN and surrender our sovereignty on day one. He would not protect the US and the free world unless the UN gave him permission. He would go to the world's most dangerous anti-US organization and ask them for permission to protect ourselves from some of the goons making up that wonderful body!

That is akin to asking the criminal who just invaded your home for permission to stick a gun in his face!

Can we survive as a nation with this type of screw-ball running loose and getting votes? I know that everyone has a right to his opinion. But when someone's opinion, if carried into policy, would destroy the rights of the people to express, or even have, an opinion I pay special attention.

Our goal as a people should be to either get the UN out of the control of third-world thugs and warlords and back into the peace business or get it into the dust bin of history.

We can't have an organization of the size and clout of the UN run by a bunch of cranks who never ran anything anymore important than a camel race deciding OUR future.

And I'm not voting for Slickster for UN chief either! That thought keeps me awake nights.
You know I'm not actually sure of any politicians stance on the Second Amendment in this state. It is assumed that bringing up gun control in VT is political suicide, so its pretty much never discussed. Therefore, there may be many anti-pols lurking in the shadow. Since Dean and his wife are physicians, theres a good chance they're anti. I think I've seen him on a hunt, but that may have been for the cameras. I think Dean is pretty good candidate as he tends to act his own agenda, rather than the party's. Since I despise Dems and Republicans equally, I appreciate that aspect of his platform. Hopefully they'll be a better reform candidate this next election!:)
Dean is one of MANY useful idiots spearheading the Democrats this season.

They're useful because they're revealing the messages that appeal to those among us afflicted with BSE.
Dean is rated A by the NRA and has gone on record opposing the Democrat's national platform on gun control as well as saying that he will continue his Vermont policies on gun control if he was elected President. He did this during his announcement that he was running on ABCs This Week
I think Dean and Al Sharpton would be an excellent duo to run on the Dem's prez-vice prez ticket for 04!:D

Only thing that could make that better would be if they publicly promised Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton SecDef and SecState if elected!

I can't remember who is using the tag line "all your senate are belong to us", but man it would be that squared!:D :D :D
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