Spotted: One of Correia's Molon Labe hats on KSL news

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Dec 28, 2002
Tonight on KSL (Salt Lake City) News, they had a segment on the Utah Marines serving in Iraq. One featured Marine was wearing one of Correia's Lightweight Khaki Molon Labe hats. I know they're his -- I have the exact same hat. :)

So Correia -- is this your hats' first TV coverage?

Bump! And a safe & Merry Xmas to you soldier/marine/airman out there in Iraq.
True - but bumpin' it up, just in case...

Dang I've gotta get one of those hats ordered! When's the next time?
Makes me giggle when non-gunnies ask me what it means. Do you guys bother telling people when they ask? I live in the SF Bay Area so most people I meet on an ordinary non-gun setting are probably antis anyway, so I give some smart ass remark.
I’ve told many people what it means. I usually start of telling them its a historical lesson, and I’ve had a pretty positive response rate. Several people have gotten really excited because they have heard of the Spartans (these people usually don’t relate it to modern life).

Other people hear the word history and stop caring, and then some actually like the story and get the lesson and think it’s pretty cool. Best response I got was from a former marine who thought it was really cool, subtle, but still got the message across.

There is also two other groups of people - fellow forum members and Greek speakers. The first group asks me what I post under, the second asks me something in Greek :D The second group usually requires a longer explanation and then they want to talk about the proper pronunciation. Either way its a fun hat that causes discussion.
That is awesome. :) I send lots of stuff to APO addresses. There are also pics floating around of guys in Afghanistan wearing them. The LW khaki ones are popular with folks in the desert. Nice and cool, and the color actually works well there. I'm trying to think of who the Utah Marine would be that I've sold a hat too, since I know quite a few of the locals. CrudeGT joined up, but I did not think he was out of training yet. I have sold some hats to Utah members of and the FALfiles who are Marines as well.

Whoever it is, I'm just thankful for them serving.
I wear my ML hat quite often in the winter and have had several questions about it. The last was from an ER Doc (my wife burned her hand on the wood stove Sunday morning - OUCH!) and I explained what ther story behind it. But, I stopped just short of tying it into our Second Amendment rights.
CrudeGT joined up, but I did not think he was out of training yet.

I heard that he joined up -- good on him. It wasn't him, though; I would have recognized him. I just thought it was cool to see the hat on TV. :)

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