Spotted this today in the LA times...

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Dec 25, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
While reading our left leaning rag today, the LA Times, I observed this little Gem...Just under 4 months from today, Americans will be able to walk out of a gun store with an Ak47 rifle, an Uzi or other weapons of mass murder under their arm. Unless Congress acts, and the Rebublican leaders show no inclination to do so-the 10 year-old federal assault gun ban will expire Sept 13. As I read on, this was the information that stopped me in my tracks...Most people including gun owners, are properly alarmed. A survey released last month by the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Center found that 71% of those surveyed and 64% of gun owners wanted Congress to extend the ban. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought this was not the case. I assumed all lawful gun buyers, wanted this ban to expire. Has something changed? Is the NRA withholding their endorsement of Bush for 36% of all gun owners? If I'm, allowed to buy an AK47, I'm not going to go out and shoot up the neighborhood, is anybody? Is this left leaning tree hugging nonsense? What gives?
"There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies and statistics"- Mark Twain (I think)
It is possible to make the results of any survey come out the way the sponsors of the survey want. Personally I believe none of the Polls, Surveys, or man in the street interviews done by any member of the liberal press establishment.

My own persolal poll conducted among my friends and family shows an overwhelming support for the demise of the AWB. Does that make it a fair and unbiased Poll? I THINK SO!
The whole point being they seriously fear the AWB expiring because it won't be brought up for a vote. That is what their survey is really saying.
The last decade was so grim for our side. It's nice to hear these people crying for a change. Their howls are like sweet music!
Was it a news article or a paid advertisement? Either way, California's will be safe because we still have SB-23. So I believe that Members of Congress from the PRK should not have any say in the matter! :D See I try to help out the free world even though I know all hope is lost for me.

And oh yeah! People can still walk out of gun stores with AK47s as long as they don't have a folding stock or a flash supressor. Too bad people don't bother to check up on this nonsense before they read an article like that and get their panties all twisted into a bunch.
Anyone could also drive out of a Ford dealership with a two-ton SUV and create massive mayhem and murder in less than 10 minutes, if that were their intention.

Why has our society so deteriorated and become so weak-minded as to blame the tool for the crime? If guns were outlawed, they would still exist and continue to be used in the commission of crimes by those so predisposed. An AK is no more deadly than a lever 30-30, and probably less deadly than an out of control Suburban on a busy street.

Why anyone would give any credence to these ignorant blissninnies boggles the mind. Yet it continues. It seems to be axiomatic that if you tell a lie long enough and often enough it becomes accepted as fact.
I believe the statistic just from talking with other gun owners. Most think that the AWB is a good idea.
can you explain further, Jeeper?

The only ones I've come across that feel this way are the stereotypical hunters--especially since the .223 cartridge isn't used for much up here in MN (except prarie dogs).
Lot's of the average deer hunter types don't pay much attention to the freedom aspect of their deer rifle/duck gun ownership.You hear the "What do ya need a MACHINEGUN for!?"They are apathetic because they figure it does'nt apply to them.So when thier 30/30 ammo is outlawed they will be surprised,angry and whining that nobody warned them that THIS was/could happen.
i think someone is making up fake statistics.

That's the interesting thing about polls. You can do a hundred of them and ask the question in different and misleading ways until you get results you like. Then you only quote the poll you like and act like the rest never happened.
We need to point them to this from the Chicago Tribune:

May 14, 2004

An article Monday about the Million Mom March incorrectly reported that Uzi submachine guns and AK-47 assault rifles were included in the 1994 assault weapons ban. In fact, both those types of weapons were banned before the 1994 law, which prohibits the manufacture or importation of 19 types of weapons, including other Uzi guns and other AK-type assault rifles.

The Tribune regrets the errors."

We need to put a stake through the heart of that idiotic "Uzis and AK-47s" soundbite if for no other reason then to hear the little robots babble soundlessly when they can't read from their preformatted script.
Jeeper makes an interesting point.

I have a brother-in-law who owns guns, but doesn't believe that there is any justification for "assault weapons" or even handguns. As far as he is concerned, hunting firearms are the only justified firearms for non-LEO's. Interestingly enough, he owns a semi-auto shotgun that is probably more dangerous than an AK at ranges less than 75 yards. I bet there are lots more like him.

Just an FYI, I'm working on bringing him around and I've loaned him my copy of "More Guns Less Crime." Turns out he was emotionally scarred by an incident where he witnessed an execution-style murder while serving as a missionary in Mexico.
You know that always makes me shake my head. Shotguns, bolt action rifles, lever rifles can all be very deadly. A bolt action springfield 1903 is a "weapon of war designed only to kill people", right? Your hunting / collectible guns are not safe, oh apathetic gun owner ...
Well said Foreign Devil,

I'd be a lot more scared of an American hunter with a scoped 30.06 than of an Iraqi with an AK-47. The hunter could easily drop me before I could even see him.

I wonder if that's why Kennedy is trying to ban all "police armour piercing" cartridges. That would effectively outlaw all rifle bullets except maybe for .22 lr. Maybe Kennedy has realized how dangerous a bolt-action rifle really can be.
Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding.

We have a winner.

The good Senator Feinstein has already issued her approval of single shot .22 LR rifles.

Kennedy's pathetic rant about armor piercing ammo is the opening gambit in the move to control ammo as a way of controlling guns. Environmental restrictions has not worked out so now they move to removing a danger to LE as they see it. The legislature has failed them. Courts cut them off. Civil lawsuits decreasingly effective. Environment restrictions have not caught on. Regulation of where CCH can take place is promising. Regulation of ammo is an old idea. What is new is the danger they say it poses to LE.

Sounds to me like they're trying to end private firearm ownership in an indirect way. After all, without ammunition (I'm betting they would outlaw reloading supplies too) a firearm isn't much use. After the ammo supply dries up, Feinstein and friends could easily reason that firearms should be turned in or "disabled" since they can't be used anymore.
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