Springfield RO 9mm Tight Chamber Issues

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Just a final update to this thread. I ended up taking the RO to a gunsmith along with a couple of my example rounds that were getting hung up. He said this was at least the 7th 9mm RO he’s had to ream the chamber on. Anyway after two days and $40 later he was done. Now 90% or more of my rounds chamber without issue. I’m going through the process now of sizing all my brass, making sure it plunks in the chamber, and if it doesn’t then I’m just tossing it. Occasionally there is still a piece with a bulge too big at the base that it won’t chamber in this pistol. 90% pass is way better than 30% or less like it was though. I think it’s safe to say many Springfield RO’s in 9mm do indeed have an excessively tight chamber
Don't know about the ROs but I really like my Springfield "loaded" 9mm 1911.
Almost perfect, if it would just shoot where I want it to instead of where I aim it it would be perfect;)
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