Squirrel Hunting when do you first start going out?

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Jan 4, 2003
The squirrel season just opened here in WI. I am really looking forward to getting out and hunting this year with my tracked out 10/22.

My question is when do you usually first start going out to hunt? I have always hunted squirrels in the late fall when there are no leaves on the trees, but this year the trees seem like they are really holding on to their green leaves. If I wait for no leaves it will be at least 3 weeks until the trees start to thin out. Should I just go now and hope that I see something??
You can go out for squirrels with leaves on the trees, but I have found that it's better to sit and wait for them to come out on the floor of the forest rather than trying to pop them in the trees. I'm going out tomorrow with my new/old 10-22 (inherited it). I hate to say it, but it is no doubt the most accurate rifle I own.
I gotta wait a couple weeks yet but anytime is good time. If I see many with warbles I like to wait till after a frost cause I just hate cleaning a squirrel with warbles
Like Chewie said, I try to wait until it gets colder or a frost to kill the worms. Like I said, I TRY TO WAIT - I usually can't though.
I go when the season opens. Any excuse to spend time in the woods with a rifle - whether I get anything or not.
I live in Wisconsin too so I know your feeling. Its common practice here to hunt early with a shotgun and late with a 22. I may not get as many squirrels the first couple weeks but its something fun to do.
I like to start out about 8:00 AM and just amble through the woods (I'm naturally lazy, so ambling is easy for me.)

My house is on a finger of land, with a wet-weather creek feeding my pond, and a low ridge on the other side, then a fairly decent creek. This ridge is all hardwoods and is great squirrel habitat. I'll walk up a squirrel before I reach the crest.
I shoot these rodents all the time in my back yard. And more often in neighboors trees. I use a pellet rifle. That's my way of feeding all the neighborhood cats :evil:
Go Now!!


There's no way to tell what the weather will be like in a few weeks, might as well hit the woods and start getting acclimated for the season!

Here in Maryland, I missed three shots at squirrels this morning......with my bow and blunt tip arrows, I was deer hunting but always carry a couple of blunts. When you're in full camo and EASING through the woods at the rate of about 50-75 yards an hour, you can get pretty close to squirrels - funny to watch them jump when an arrow slams into the ground next to them!

I almost had a chance at a doe at about 25 yards, but too thick - maybe tomorrow morning. But back to your squirrel question - the leaves are still very thick here in Maryland, but I still saw about a dozen squirrels, and heard several more in the trees. If I had my .22 Mag with me, could have bagged 3-4 on the ground, but I wanna try for a deer with my bow, haven't done that yet.

Head on out to the woods, you won't be sorry! Let us know how it goes.

I go as soon as it is legal because I want to GET OUT THERE! I don't give a darn if I kill squirrels as I have beef, flounder, pork, venison and so forth in the freezer. BUT I LOVE TO BE IN THE WOODS! :D
It's a bit warm in the Ozarks yet. Today I went for my usual ride through the hills and my horse was tripping over squirrels. I was tempted to try for one with my .45.
First frost

I always start hunting them after first frost. Gets rid of some of the critters they have. Shotgun before the leaves come down, .22LR after.
I personally just can't wait to get in the woods, me and my buddy went yesterday to a Wildlife Management Area and popped 3 squirrels--and it was a great time.
I go out starting the first day of the season. I find that squirrels are easier to see while the leaves are still on the trees. As they move through the trees they shake limbs and the leaves make it easier to see. But this works best with no wind, of course. After a rain is even better, since you can hear drops fall from limbs as the squirrels move around. The leaves also help to keep them from seeing me.

I like hunting with a dog after the trees are bare.

And I do hope you all (ya'll) are EATING those critters. I'm getting hungry now thinking of how good squirrel meat tastes. Pressure cook it for about 40 mins or so, and then fry it up and serve with rice and gravy and home-made biscuits. I prefer it to deer meat anyday.
I hunt squirrel all season long. In the fall, when the leaves are still heavy on the trees, I use a shotgun. I like a 12 gauge with #6, but am not against using a 20.
In the winter, and into January, February, I switch to a .22LR or .22 Mag. I prefer to take them out of a tree, but I have been known to pop one that was rustling around in the leaves too. :)
but I have been known to pop one that was rustling around in the leaves too.

I like to practice quick shots with my Kimber Model 82, shooting at a standard 11-bull NRA 50 foot target and putting a magazine full (5 rounds) or two into each bull, working the bolt from the shoulder. I don't hurry, just shoot without wasting time.

I've nailed many a squirrel in the leaves by simply bringing up the rifle and popping him before he scampers out of sight.
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