Stage 9 at Ruckus in the Nations-video

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Aug 30, 2007
Valliant, OK
This is me shooting at Ruckus over the week-end. Had a great time. The match directors made a new category called Frontiersman Gunfighter since there were three of us that wanted to shoot it. I am the Oklahoma State Champion in the category, but that's not bragging because the guy that was beating the snot out of me on every stage had a match DQ for a dropped gun.
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"but that's not bragging because the guy that was beating the snot out of me on every stage had a match DQ for a dropped gun."
That's my only route to championship too!
This weekend I got the "Match Winner" ribbon for the first time 'cause I was the only one to sign up as a one day shooter during a two day annual match. Being the top dog (1 out of 1) was my big day. I'll never get first place again but at least no one had to drop a gun for me to get it. ;) I did shoot clean in the rain with my Remingtons though.
Several years ago, before Badlands Bar 3 started sponsoring the SW Regional they had a match called the 4States Championship. (AR, OK, TX, LA) I won Frontiersman in that match since I was the only one shooting Frontiersman.

Couple of years later I was beaten by a feller who quit on the 8th stage of 10. That's rank scoring for you! We were shooting in what was left of Hurricane Rita as it moved through NE TX, and he just couldn't stand 50mph winds and horizontal rain anymore.
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