Fella had a tennis ball throwing machine. Since I had been doing Tueller drills...well...I just had to know.
Mounted behind metal and with old tennis balls, shooter up! at the sound of the "K-chunk", me with shotgun in low ready about 25 yds...at a slight angle ( so I wouldn't shoot machine) it's like L1 on skeet, except they keep coming at you, L1 plus the "flurries"

Get closer and it's L8 add the flurry and things get exciting real fast!!
I must say this was most educational .

Very fast and challenging. I've done the "flurries"...but when
mean yellow Wilson is charging fast, no time to diddle daddle. Now I actually got into it, I mean this was SERIOUS but fun. I really think there is place in training for this type of set up.
I also proved somethings, to some fellas whom argued against me-- a longer bbl can be mounted just as fast and smooth as a shorter one. I used a variety of gun and bbl lengths, from 18.5" to 32". yep that 32" bbl worked fine.
I also used an shooter's trick which I later had to explain, as some fellas had never heard or seen it. Dave, Correia, Denny and other's already know what I did...hint: model 12.
I kept the trigger pulled, shucking like crazy..."Wow he shot that pump quicker than I can a semi SG"...
Sent the fellas home with the instructions to use proper stance/mounting techniques, and start with 25 repetitions and dry fires a day...work up to 100.
Aside: If one has an retriever pup that never tires of chasing tennis balls...well we had two labs that became plum tuckered out...my shooting did not disturb their nap.
Seriously, if one comes by one of these machines it could become a great training tool just like the moving Tueller targets.