Steven Seagal

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Mar 8, 2007
Does he use a 1911 as his gun of choice in all his movies? Seems like that is his favorite.
I have seen articles and stories on tv, about his love of guns. He seems to favor Caspian slides and the 45 caliber 1911 is his weapon of choice. He showed his shooting technique and accuracy on that TV show he had running last year.
And people bitch about Ted, I'd rather nobody knew Seagal even owned a gun.
But if he has a favorite I'm glad it's a 1911.
During one episode, he was teaching a fellow LEO who was having difficulties qualifying. His shooting was pretty good.
Did you know Seagal is also very ANTI-GUN.

Guns were good enough for him but not for any of us.

Domestic violence issues as well, probably barred by law of owning a gun.
Anti gun? I think I heard that he even attended Gunsite. I wonder if that could REMOTELY be true. Anyone know if he is an NRA member?
Several times on his cop 'reality show' he has mouthed such as:

"The way we look at is every gun we get off the street is a gun that can't be used to kill us the police or....."

"we gotta get these guns off the street"

He told one guy that was a legal gun owner that had a gun in his car, "Don't be carrying a loaded gun".

And he kept saying anytime a gun was confiscated it was 'another gun off the street'.

"The .270 caliber is a very, very fast round and will go through most vests and is a big enemy of the police"

Yes he has been to NRA rallies but on his cop show he keeps saying things that contradict the values of the NRA.

Maybe it's just show biz to him.

Probably just following the script, but I better not hear him spouting that nonsense if I ever ride thru that State :eek:
But did you ever notice that he runs like a girl.......????

We've had more than enough of him down here in Louisiana, ya'll can have him.

This made me laugh. If you recall the scene out of Above the Law when he chases the guy down the street...he does indeed run like a girl. When he stops however....he opens up the can'o whoop ---.
I really think he is a windy, self absorbed bully, but I deeply admire the martial art that he originally was trained in. Aikido masters do not agree with the level of aggression that he has taken his personal approach of the art to. Aikido is one of leverage and control, with little striking, and is almost gentle in it's design and execution. A gentleman's martial art, if you will. I think it is a great martial art for the police man, when done correctly. I believe Seagal CAN shoot well, as he has that drive to master an art or challenge, just how well, who knows? Watching him on the series at the police range doesn't really tell us at what distance he is capable of pegging the head of the could be 5-10 yards. Not that impressive.
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