stock refinishing

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Feb 13, 2012
Hi Folks
New member to the forum in need of some direction
I have a 12 guage arrieta that unfortunately had some stock scratches
I have already sanded the scratches away but need to rerinish the stock
MY problem is that there are many different ways of finishing the stock and I'm unsure which method to use. Shoud I use a filler like french red. Should I seal the stock before applying the filler, Do I use a varnish like tru oil or is there a walnut oil out there used for the purpose of fininshing stocks, or should I go with LINspeed oil. and how do I go about removing the old finish, sand it or try to use a chemical ?
Please Help

Thanks much Eric
It all depends on the look you want your finished stock to have, and what type of finish is on the stock to begin with. Search the old threads and you will find plenty of post on how to remove just about any type of existing finish, and post on refinishing. Look at the before and after pictures and decide which finish you like the best, I personally prefer multiple coats of tung oil, or boiled linseed oil, I usually don't use fillers but apply the first couple of coats with #0000 steel wool in small circles. This creates a slurry of oil and really fine wood particles that when wiped diagonally across the grain fills it.
Look no further than the sticky at the top of this forum. Dfariswheel's method is not only excellent, but will occupy you for a while.
I've done it and it works very well.

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