Stolen iPhone with gun serial numbers. Do I have a problem?

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Intrepid Dad

Nov 28, 2006
Dallas, Texas
Hi Everyone,

I arrived in Calgary, Canada last night and most likely lost my iPhone on the sidewalk as I got out of my cab. I went back about 10 minutes later after I realized I lost my phone and it was nowhere to be found. I can only assume that someone picked it up. I called the cab company and they tracked down my driver. He said it wasn't in the cab. I realize it's possible that the cab driver has it but for now I have to go with what he said and assume someone picked it up off the street.

I kept the serial numbers to all my guns on the Notepad application on my iPhone. My iPhone was not locked so anyone could view the serial numbers if they were to look at the Notepad application.

So, do I have a problem? I can't think of anything bad that could happen if the bad guy looked at the serial numbers, but I'd like the advice of everyone here. Please keep in mind that I lost the phone in Calgary, Canada and I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

I'm about to go to a client site that may block The High Road, so I won't be able to respond to any of your responses until tonight.

Thanks everyone for their thoughts and help.

Intrepid Dad
Did you set up the "Find My iPhone" feature? If so you can track it online AND remotely wipe it if you can't recover it.
well i really wouldnt worry too much.....

theres really not much he can actually do with those numbers....

secondly....hes probably not going to have any idea what they are anyways....hes probably going to look at them, and then keep on scrolling....

...and finally, im fairly certain that the person that found your phone is not some hardened criminal con artist.......they are probably going to wipe the phone and either keep it or sell it.....

...i mean, it kinda suck that you lost your phone, but you have a pretty good chance that your guns will be safe.
Did you set up the "Find My iPhone" feature? If so you can track it online AND remotely wipe it if you can't recover it.

Unfortunately I did not. I didn't know there were applications like that. Since I lost my phone last night I've found out there are various ways to track the iPhone, but you need to set them up in advance as far as I know.

I called the number this morning and it rolled directly to voice mail. (I temporarily reactivated the phone so that I could make the call). I had a fresh battery so I assume that whoever has it turned the phone off.
...i mean, it kinda suck that you lost your phone, but you have a pretty good chance that your guns will be safe.

I appreciate the perspective. As you said, someone will most likely just wipe the phone clean and either use it themselves or resell it.
Did you set up the "Find My iPhone" feature? If so you can track it online AND remotely wipe it if you can't recover it.
Good advice that everyone should listen to. I work in IT and I'm a little paranoid because I've spent a long time doing disaster planning and data loss prevention. I carry no personal data on my phone that can't be wiped in the event of a loss.

So, do I have a problem?
In regards to the serial numbers, I doubt it. I'd be more worried about all the contacts in the pone and all the personal (names/addresses/phone numbers/email addresses) info that you give out when you lose the phone.

You can speculate many things. You did lose your phone which probably does have your address and an exact list of your valuables. You can speculate on what someone may or may not do with that information all day. This is the most likely outcome:
they are probably going to wipe the phone and either keep it or sell it.....

Your best bet is to better prepare yourself next time. If you keep sensitive info (I consider my friends' and family's contact info sensitive) on your phone, have a way to wipe it remotely. It isn't hard or expensive (free most of the time) to do anymore.

I feel for you, I know how frustrating it is to lose a phone.
Another thing you can do, in the future with your next phone, is put a password on it and set it to erase all of your data after so many failed password entries. I know it doesn't help now, but maybe it will help someone in the future.
The person with your phone can report your guns as stolen from him. Then you are going to get pulled over for a traffic stop with your guns in your car, and the police are going to search it without your consent, confiscate your guns that they find stolen when they run the serial numbers and you will go to jail for "stealing" your own guns.

Where did my tin foil and medication go??? :neener:

Sorry about the loss of the phone....
I'd be a lot more worried about all those bad guys on the road behind you reading your licence plate number.
I don't think anyone can really do anything with the serial don't worry about it.

You should worry about those naked pictures making it onto the internet.
Being I am an older guy whose cell phone does not even take pictures or can't even text I am curious why someone would load a phone up with all this sort of personal information when they are so easily lost or stolen?
Not trying to come across as judgemental but as I said more curious.
Being I am an older guy whose cell phone does not even take pictures or can't even text I am curious why someone would load a phone up with all this sort of personal information when they are so easily lost or stolen?
Not trying to come across as judgemental but as I said more curious.

I hate carrying a laptop or netbook. Sometimes I need client contact info on the go. I also can't remember squat at 33 so I need a calendar to function. With any data, I make sure the data isn't physically there, it's synced from cloud type services. If I lose the phone, I log on to one website and completely wipe the phone.
This is the best reason to get a MobileMe subscription. At $99 per year, it is well worth it. Not only does it sync wirelessly and keep all your information in "the cloud" in case you lose your phone, but it provides a way to not only find your phone, but to wipe it as well. Everyone with an iPhone should have a subscription.
I will look into that Tx1911 for my daughter who has already lost one of these expensive "necessary" phones.
Somebody may call you to return it. My wife has "lost" her phone several times and folks called and we met somewhere.
After of course you get to a computer to do this.

Unfortunately I work in IT so I'm always close to one. It's either in a bag in my vehicle, or they are littered about my home and office. I don't want to resort to a laptop/pc until absolutely necessary. I prefer to spend as little time as possible in front of one. Speaking of which....
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