Yeah, good luck man. I can't stand thieves. Oh, to have a baseball bat and be in the same room...
Background to my severe dislike of thieves:
Around Christmas (maybe Dec 21 or so) of 2002 I was living in a house in the West End/Murphy Road area of Nashville. While I was out at my girlfriend's place, some d1ckhead broke through my bedroom window and left with my black Takamine electric/acoustic guitar and about 20 CDs. The cops dusted for prints but, to my knowledge, never apprehended anyone.
Luckily a week or so later I found the guitar, in its case, in the woods behind the house... with bird crap splotches on it. I figure the lazy POS figured its weight too heavy. Thank heavens he did, because I loved (still love) my guitar. I've written a bunch of songs on it and it (thus) has a ton of sentimental value. About 20 songs are about a nameless college-days ex who was "the one", or so I thought.
So yeah, man -- not to pull a Clinton, but I feel your pain. When I thought I had lost that guitar, my path of nostalgia back to the days with the One, I wanted to hurt the person who stole it.