Stop HR 297 - Email your House Representative

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Apr 18, 2007
Pre-written letter at the bottom of this post. Contact your House Rep through:

To help find your House Rep, Look up your zip + 4 at:


HR 297 provides, in the form of grants, about $1 billion to the
states to send more names to the FBI for inclusion in the National
Instant Criminal Background Check System [NICS]. If you are
thinking, "Oh, I've never committed a felony, so this bill won't
affect me," then you had better think again. If this bill becomes
law, you and your adult children will come closer to losing your gun
rights than ever before.

Are you, or is anyone in your family, a veteran who has suffered from
Post Traumatic Stress? If so, then you (and they) can probably kiss
your gun rights goodbye. In 1999, the Department of Veterans
Administration turned over 90,000 names of veterans to the FBI for
inclusion into the NICS background check system. These military
veterans -- who are some of the most honorable citizens in our
society -- can no longer buy a gun. Why? What was their heinous

Their "crime" was suffering from stress-related symptoms that often
follow our decent men and women who have served their country
overseas and fought the enemy in close combat. For all their
patriotism, the Clinton administration deemed them as mentally
"incompetent," sent their names for inclusion in the NICS
system, and
they are now prohibited from owning guns under 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(4).

HR 297 would make sure that more of these names are included in the
NICS system.

But, of course, Representatives Dingell and McCarthy tell us that we
need HR 297 to stop future Seung-Hui Chos from getting a gun and to
prevent our nation from seeing another shooting like we had on
Virginia Tech. Oh really?

Then why, after passing all of their gun control, do countries like
Canada and Germany still have school shootings? Even the infamous
schoolyard massacre which occurred in Ireland in 1997 took place in a
country that, at that time, had far more stringent gun controls than
we do.

Where has gun control made people safer? Certainly not in
Washington, DC, nor in Great Britain, nor in any other place that has
enacted a draconian gun ban.


Dear Representative:

I am a Second Amendment supporter who strongly opposes HR 297 -- the
NICS Improvement Act of 2007 -- and I strongly agree with Gun Owners
of America that this bill should be defeated.

The minor improvements this bill makes to the Brady instant check are
insignificant when compared to the outrageous invasions of our
privacy it would permit.

Gun Owners of America has posted an analysis of HR 297 at on its website, showing how the
bill will target millions of law-abiding gun owners, including
thousands of combat veterans who served our country bravely.

Supporters of this bill say we need it to stop future Seung-Hui Chos
from getting a gun and to prevent our nation from seeing another
shooting like the one at Virginia Tech. But honestly, what gun law
has stopped bad guys from getting a gun? Not in Canada, where they
recently had a school shooting. Certainly not in Washington, DC or
in England!

I think we've got to stop treating criminals like medical patients,
thus allowing them to slip through the cracks. If we are not going
to incarcerate dangerous people, then all the gun laws in the world
will never stop them from getting firearms.

Don't be misled into thinking that this is a bill that gun owners
endorse. Most gun owners want Brady repealed, not "fixed." The law
has done nothing to prevent criminals from obtaining guns, but it has
violated the Second Amendment rights of millions of law-abiding

I love that GOA link. Lots of fun stuff.

"Mental health records are also covered under the McCarthy bill."

Which mental health records? All mental health records? No. Some mental health records? Yes. Which ones? The devil is in the details, but I don't see any.

Scare tactics, pure and simple. What we need is accurate info and not scare tactics.

Something that I have learned a while back, don't use E-mail. If you go through the hassle of actually sending them a real letter, with real postage. It carries far more weight with our elected officials then 200+chain e-mails. E-mail has its place, don't get me wrong, it is great for spreading the word amongst ourselves, but to the elected officials, it loses effectiveness. a large bag of real mail makes a bigger impact.

Have a good one

Something that I have learned a while back, when talking to our elected officials, it is better to use a real letter inside a real envelope with a stamp. It carries more weight then a bunch of e-mails. E-mail is great as far as spreading information, but for impact, nothing beats getting a sack of real letters in a congressman's office.

Have a good one


P.S. I'm glad I found this website.
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