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Nov 3, 2003

Email the Michigan House Judiciary Committee Today -- Oppose HB 5143/5153!

Deadly Force Should Not Be a First Resort!

Dear Michigan StoptheNRA Member,

This Tuesday, the Michigan House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on a bill that would make Michigan a much more dangerous place. If passed, HB 5143/5153 would make it legal for a gun owner to shoot and kill another person if they feel threatened -- even in a public place! This new bill eliminates a citizen's duty to avoid the threat, by walking away or seeking refuge in a safe place and, instead, allows the gun user to "shoot first" to eliminate the threat.

Tell Them to: "Oppose HB 5143/5153: Stop Shoot First in Michigan!"

The Shoot First law is so overly broad and expansive that everyday occurrences could have deadly consequences for everyone involved -- including innocent bystanders, who would have no civil recourse against a shooter if they are injured or killed in the crossfire.

This legislation permits the average citizen to bypass our entire justice system by permitting him or her to assume the role of police officer, prosecutor, judge, and executioner -- but it doesn’t stop there -- this bill also protects the shooter from criminal prosecution and civil liability!

You may think this is absurd, but the state of Florida enacted such a bill in October 2005 and the NRA is now promoting the very same bill here in Michigan.

Your efforts stopped this bill in February when it was in the Senate.
Let's rally again and kill this bill once and for all.

Here’s What You Can Do to Keep "Shoot First" Out of Michigan:

1. Email the Michigan House Judiciary Committee TODAY. Urge them to OPPOSE HB 5143/5153. Just one click will send an email to the entire Committee.

2. Call the Committee Chairs. Let's flood their offices with calls from sensible people who see this bill for the danger it is.
Committee Chair William VanRegenmorter 517-373-8900
Majority Vice-Chair Toyna Schuitmaker 517-373-0829
Minority Vice-Chair Alexander Lipsey 517-373-1785

Give them the message: "I am a Michigan resident and I am urging you to Oppose HB 5143/5153 when it is before your Committee. Don't allow Shoot First in Michigan!"

3. Forward this e-mail to friends, family, and colleagues in Michigan. We need to get this message out quickly and broadly.

For more information on this legislation and how to get involved in the gun violence prevention movement in Michigan, please contact the Michigan Million Mom March Chapters and the Michigan Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence-On Target Coalition.

The Michigan House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to meet this Tuesday, April 18, at 10:30 am in 521 House Office Building. If you can get to Lansing, feel free to stop by and tell the Committee in person that deadly force should not be a first resort in Michigan!

There doesn't need to be a new law. Our system of justice is working, and it's just dangerous to change the law and encourage deadly force when it's not necessary.

Thank you for standing with us and keeping our communities safe!

Your Friends at

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click here to sign up for your own StoptheNRA alerts.

Forward this Email to Others.
Oh NO!!!! Michigan might become as dangerous as California which already has provisions for standing your ground. THINK OF THE CHILDERN, WON’T YOU!!!!!
OMG your streets will run red with the blood of thousands of traffic altercations turned deadly.
Just like ours did in Florida
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Soon people will bring .50 caliber Barrett's to the mall, just to eliminate perceived threats. Starbucks employee's who can't get a "doublecoffeemochadecafonesweetandlowoneskimmilkgrande" order correct-->BOOM!
.. before you know it, hordes of criminals will be taken down as they attempt robberies, rapes and assaults! the streets will flood with the effluent of justice and no criminals will be safe anywhere! people will be able to defend themselves and will refuse to be victimized!

Obviously, you'd better ban this bill. We want people to be taken advantage of by criminals, be robbed, raped, assaulted and we definitely want criminals to be safe when they commit crimes. People shouldn't be able to defend themselves and should be proud willing and happy victims.

Right? Right?
I just took a look out my window and the sky still appears to be holding its place.
Notice the name of the group: StoptheNRA.

I've become convinced that the anti's aren't so much concerned with legislation as they are with trying to stall the momentum the NRA has gained in the last few years.
As a life-long gun owner, CHP (CCW) holder, thinking man, and "born-and-raised-Michigander-in-recovery," I feel qualified to comment on this.

Accordingly, to my well-intentioned and justifiably concerned former statemates (is that a real word? Ack! Who cares?), I offer this advice:

Fear not the paranoid gun-toting loonies. (It's O.K.; look out your window.)
Fear not those the gun-toting loonies fear. (It's O.K.; look in the mirror.)
Fear not they who fear those who fear paranoid gun-toting loonies (It's . . . huh?)

First, remember: "Lansing is just ten square miles surrounded by sanity." Second, there is no "second"; I just said that for effect. Sorry. :eek:

Finally, if none of these serve to abate your fears, well . . . you always have that nifty state motto: "If you seek a pleasant penninsula, look around you."

(Uh . . . ya.)


Hmmmm. . . . Perhaps my PC somehow, mysteriously, managed to reformat the above? MAYBE . . . it is supposed to read:


Now that's more like it. That makes perfect sense to me. :D

(Good grief. :banghead: )

Good night, Chesty!

Semper Fi
[runs in circles waving hands over head] THE NRA IS COMING! THE NRA IS COMING! AHHHHHHHHHhhhh...

With the number of times these people have cried "wolf," do people even listen to them anymore?

If so I guess that would prove why we should never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Quick, create hysteria and chaos in the absence of reason before the NRA slaps your dog and steals your daughter's viginity!
Here's the email I sent their "feedback" address. Not that I expect it to do much good.


I'm glad to see you're working on stopping these laws. Since such a law passed in Florida, the streets have been running with blood. Colorado has had similar laws for years and we all know that people get massacred there daily. Arizona is another pro-gun state where people are routinely killed out of hand.

Oh, wait... the highest murger rates in the country are actually in places that make carrying personal firearms impossible; like Washington DC, California and New York City. Silly me.

I guess your campaign is stupid then... sorry.
It is better to have a gun and not need it, than it is to need a gun and not have it. The streets are filled with monsters in human form. Shame on you if you let yourself be their victim.
OMG your streets will run red with the blood of thousands of traffic altercations turned deadly.
I'm still waiting for the promised bloodshed from the AWB sunset. It's only been a year and a half, maybe it just needs more time. :rolleyes:
This new bill eliminates a citizen's duty to avoid the threat, by walking away or seeking refuge in a safe place and, instead, allows the gun user to "shoot first" to eliminate the threat.
Why are some people so obsessed with making sure murderers, rapists, and various other thugs are preserved during their ill-deeds? After years of reading this crap, I’m still at a loss to explain the anti’s psyche. Their goals go beyond just hoplophobia and naïve ignorance, their whole ideology seems intent on complete and utter helplessness as a way of life. :confused:
The press release reminds me of a ditty chanted by 5 year old kids on the playground:

"Whenever you're in fear or doubt,
Run in circle, scream and shout."

Would someone please come up with different reasons for not implementing reasonable (sorry, couldn't restrain myself) self-defense laws.
This new bill eliminates a citizen's duty to avoid the threat, by walking away or seeking refuge in a safe place and, instead, allows the gun user to "shoot first" to eliminate the threat.
I would love to hear how he was able to "walk away" when he's confronted by an armed mugger. What's he expect - give the 'time out' handsign and saunter out of there?


By the way, I was just forwarded something from another organization that claims to be pro-gun that you should not write and/or go up there. All I can tell you is that I was sitting in the office of the sponsor of this bill on Wednesday and he *specifically* asked that you do write since the Brady Campaign has written over 400 letters and plan to show up at the committee hearings and he was having a difficult time with some of the Representatives and Senators over this.

Also, the NRA is sending out cards if they can get them processed/mailed in time to ask you to do the same thing.

Perhaps someone should notify them that this is an ineffective method of activism because apparently that news hasn't reached them.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to call Cana Garrison at Representative Jones' office, and she can give you any information you need.
We all know what actually happens when people are allowed to defend themselves. Crime rates drop, the streets become safer, and everyone except rapists, murderers, and thieves are happier. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. Look at England after their gun bans, look at the crime rates in DC and CA, two of the most anti-gun places in the nation. Its like they say, you are entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts. That bill deserves support, good luck Michigan.
I think they got the wrong website.

I though we liked guns on this website. They're probably looking for the That's probably it. No big deal, we forgive you for being clueless in more than one area of your knowledge.:D
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