Strange Request

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Dec 25, 2002
The State of Israel - aka Gun Nut Hell
You see, people, I'm a gamer, a GM by calling and trade. I do Pen'-n'-Paper roleplaying (a la D&D). My
gaming stuff is
here .
Now, I would like to make some NPC's for my Dark Vigilantian setting, based on some of the great People of The High Road, namely:

Skunkabilly, Jim March, Tamara, Runt, Oleg. (No particular order :D )

I need their permission to do so. Any other suggestions for people who should be "made into" NPC's?
:D :D
A cool idea actually. Being a GM from wayback that would make for some pretty cool NPC creation.

No advice as to who to use but a cool idea non-the-less.

I really need to start playing/running again.


I think the Army of Runts is a great idea. A Clone Army.......mmmmm where have I heard tha before.:uhoh:

As an RPGer from 'way back, I always thought I was a PC and not an NPC. ;)

I use a +2 Springfield Professional loaded with +4 Remington Golden Sabers of Slaying. :D
tamara could be in charge of an armory.

preacherman could be a wise cleric that can give spiritual boosts to a players stats.


Sweeeeet looking campaign idea!! About the only other notable that springs to mind would be to add Hand_Rifle_Guy, as one of those Mad Inventor/"Q" types, who manages to pack huge-calibre punch into tiny little packages (the .45-70 derringer? Think "Noisy Cricket.")!!

I'm working up a similar idea, in a different vein, for a GURPS campaign. Essentially, running with the idea that, as the world becomes more and more willing to surrender personal liberties, we're paving the way for an extremist Hegemony to spring up and flourish, eventually reaching the stars. Against that backdrop, a penal/waste disposal system is set up, utilising arid binary planetary systems to contain both the ever-increasing amount of non-recyclable waste, as well as the ballooning population of dissidents and criminals--both legitimate and less-than. These systems have come to be known as "DustBins." I'm looking to have my PCs survive for a bit, and then (hopefully) escape from one. I'm stealing ideas from the movies "Pitch Black," "Soldier," and "2001," among a dozen others. Should be fun!

Keep us updated--and post your NPC writeups for everyone! It'll be like trading cards!! "COLLECT 'EM! SAVE 'EM! TRADE 'EM WITH YER FRIENDS!!" I can see it now..."Hey, I already got two yer for a Tamara!!"


Haha...yeah...brings to mind visions of the Renaissance Festival, don't it?

It's alright; I secretly read all the Dragonlance books as a kid. Just don't tell anyone.

Sure. Here's the Skunkabilly template:

The hillbilly skunks are jaded city boys from Los Angeles (not really a city, merely a cluster of suburbs with a downtown), where they rejected their post-modern tolerant toucheyfeelie upbringing and experienced a tactical epiphany. Specializes in handguns, computers and data recovery. Weaknesses are long guns, high maintenance (they get hungry easily, must get eight hours of sleep and use the restroom consistently), and are inept with communicating with women.

Suggested Skills: Banjos, computers, anything requiring agility and dexterity such as attaching IEDs underneath server room floorboards after discreetly extracting hard drive data.
Suggested Equipment: Royal Robbins, Danner Boots, Oakleys, anything carbon fiber, Beretta 92G.
Oh lord :).

OK, lesse, if you need an XXL sized biker, major grade computer skills, investigator, mediocre weaponscraft except for the ability to pick out a GOOD revolver at low cost and get decent performance out of it and pretty good with knives, hangs out with ferrets and specializes in locating/exposing crooked cops, I guess you've found one :).
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