Stuck Minie Ball 150 years old...

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Making or buying better blocks and using rosin may be what it takes.
OR you might drop $40 on an insert to turn your standard vice into an actual barrel vice, but perhaps the breech area is too large even for the "bull" barrel opening?....or you could build a vice since this $60 version doesn't seem that complicated, and you can buy professional bushings after your build,+Jigs+&+Fixtures-_-Wheeler+Engineering-_-248002&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0vHBoNvH1QIVAzNpCh2v_AqqEAQYAiABEgJRR_D_BwE, or maybe they would work with your present vice?

Loyalist Dave - how well do those urethane lined barrel blocks work? I've no experience with them.
Latest update: after epoxying the duct tape wrapped barrel into the blocks, and using C-clamps to clamp together, I got the breech plug to turn 15 degrees! And then the epoxy broke and the barrel started just spinning. But the breech plug did come lose
C-clamps? Put it into a big vise and clamp it between those jaws.
I unfortunately do not have a vice. I am currently using 4 C-clamps so I would assume that would be sufficient
yourin Maryland go see Charlie Hahn or send it to Bobby Hoyt, Dan whitcher or Lodgewood and be done w it. they will also tell you if its safe to shoot
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