Students suspended over snowballs

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hi miogi

If a group of teenagers has a way to pick on another teenager they view as being of lower social status...they will.

I know snowballs are frightening to people in Kuai, but getting hit by snowballs improves your character. for instance I was a lonely high school freshman with no girlfriend, then I got hit by a snowball and now I am 45 years old I have a pick up truck a gun collection and have had too many girlfriends, if I hadn't had so many girlfriends I would have had more money for guns!
getting hit with a snowball changed my life for the better.
please visit Lake Tahoe in the winter and get into a snowball fight, you will love it!
when you get there I'll take you out to the desert and we can kill some tin cans with my "assault weapon":D
I live on Oahu...

not Kauai and I grew up in Arkansas...I understand snowballs and all their mystical powers.

What I don't quite understand though is everyone's continued ignoring of the statement in the article that the boys were busted after a snowball fight. Snowball fights between willing participants are glorious events with abundant opportunities to improve your courage, aim, and ability to withstand frozen fingers. Everyone wants to pretend these two guys were suspended for simply showing up on campus with a couple of pickup truck bed loads of snow.

While not enough information is given in the story to know what exactly transpired we do know that there was a snowball fight. Having spent several years in daily contact with masses of teenagers I can tell you it is much more likely that at least some of the targets in that snowball fight were not willing participants.

I'm wondering if those that think the suspension was too harsh would continue to defend that position if their child had been on the receiving end of an unwelcome volley of snowballs. Oh, that's right, all self respecting gun folks raise their children to be Klingon-ish warriors of truth that would simply wade into the melee and kick all the thrower's butts.

If someone can provide a source stating there were no unwilling participants in the already mentioned snowball fight then I will gladly change my opinion about the appropriateness of the punishment.

If someone can provide a source stating there were no unwilling participants in the already mentioned snowball fight then I will gladly change my opinion about the appropriateness of the punishment.

How about you providing a single shred of evidence from the story that it was an attack against those of a lower social status? Where did that come from, anyway? Aside from this bizarre correlation theory between snowballs and class? I am not attacking you, please don't misunderstand, but what are you reading in this article?
These snowballs were made out of DHMO. Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.

The American government has refused to ban the production, distribution, or use of this damaging chemical due to its "importance to the economic health of this nation." In fact, the navy and other military organizations are conducting experiments with DHMO, and designing multi-billion dollar devices to control and utilize it during warfare situations. Hundreds of military research facilities receive tons of it through a highly sophisticated underground distribution network. Many store large quantities for later use.
Careful what you ask for - you might just get it

So Gubmint finally brainwashes folks that Gubmint better knows how kids are to be raised.

Principal Mike Neece said one of his most important responsibilities is maintaining a safe, orderly learning environment.

"Anything that disturbs that or disrupts that is inappropriate on a school campus," Neece said. "Anything that could cause injury, or could cause a student to get upset and instigate a fight, or damage students' personal property is just inappropriate behavior."

Sheeple send kids to public school. They asked for it - and got it.

Now back in my day, we had snowball fights, students against teachers, Principals were cool and usually started them. IF not one of the teachers...

Learning to interact, duck, seek cover, strategy and tactics...

A real treat if we made homemade snow ice cream in school...called "Life" - teachers , heck parents would come in and do this. One does not learn everything to deal with life from a Bldg marked "education".

We carried knives, brought guns to school...we sharpened knives, learn to work wood ( buttstocks, gun racks...refinish) all sorts of life skills denied today because Gubmint now says the old ways wrong and their new ways better.

Hostess [tm] still makes the "Snowball" pastry. Wonder what would happen if a Food Fight broke out using them..., Cupcakes, Twinkies...?

Most likely a Felony.

Principal Mike Neece,

A Principle you are not.
You are a Puppet of Dictatorship with this Indoctrination you fell for yourself and to keep in good graces with comrades continue to propagate Tyranny.

Too bad they quit paddling folks, you would be a great test for the coach's new paddle. Made in wood shop...yeah that scary place with sharp tools....

We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave the kids alone

Hey teacher leave us kids alone
- Another Brick In The Wall - Part 2- Pink Floyd
Reading all the words...

is important. In every mention I made that they may have been suspended for something beyond just bringing the snow on campus I used wording that, to me anyway, made it perfectly clear that these were my suppositions based on my knowledge of how teenagers act.

The evidence that they indeed did something beyond simply bring snow on to campus is in the original story.

They were suspended after a school parking lot snowball fight before the start of classes Thursday.

All posters are making statements based on very limited information. A good majority seem to be making those statements colored by a perception that if a public school teacher or administrator was involved they obviously were doing something boneheaded. I make my statements colored by the perception if teenagers were involved then it probably wasn't all innnocence and willing participation.

The part about "lower social status", teenagers don't attack those with higher perceived social status. Remember also, teenagers have their own rules for determining social status.

Public educators are determined to exterminate any vestige of The Warrior from boys and young men. How long will it be before any sign of "aggression" will put you on the terrorist list for a lifetime?

Let's face it - testosterone is a dangerous uncontrollable substance, better eliminated from civilized society.
These snowballs were made out of DHMO. Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.

Oh yeah, DMHO addiction is very inconvenient. I can't go more than three days without mine.
Suddenly all those time during high school when we beat Ramona in most every sport seem far less glorious. Maybe they were constrained by the school to let us win. Of course I'd feel even worse if we'd lost. Now I REALLY can't take Ramona very seriously.

I see it differently, two pick up trucks filled with snow
one on one side of the street the other on the other
and the two snow warriors tried to get others interested.
probably great fun was had by all until the appearance of the administrator
who had an excrement seizure when he saw non government approved activities.

gun folks raise their children to be Klingon-ish warriors
This is terrible! But just imagine what would have happened had they carried the fight to the cafeteria and used food.
My goodness, it could have easily escalated into the classroom with erasers.
Sure glad the principal nipped the situation in the bud.:banghead: :banghead:
These socialist "educators" need to have their *sses kicked. We are raising multiple generations of unprepared for the real world kids. :mad:
longeyes said:

There's an old saying, "Boys will be boys." Obviously, that has to be revised to "Boys used to be boys."

i particularly hate that phrasing. that's the excuse used in various schools where football is more important than student safety to excuse the QBs' raping the girls underneath the bleachers. boys will be boys - and girls should just what? remember, bringing a gun or knife to school is illegal.

and using the variation 'girls will be girls' is also a frequent excuse to let the popular crowd get away with torturing the social outcasts with aggressive teasing and vicious rumor-spreading. there are limits to what is acceptable for childhood behavior. usually, those limits include behavior that deliberately harms another child for whatever reason, esp among teens.

Public educators are determined to exterminate any vestige of The Warrior from boys and young men. How long will it be before any sign of "aggression" will put you on the terrorist list for a lifetime?

i suspect this principle of over the top behavior, but 'warrior' is an archetype not followed by all males, nor is it necessary to require them to do so. warrior behavior is taught, and is - or should be - the embodiment of honor, courage, and loyalty, not just the appropriate channeling of aggression into martial arts.

you sound like the warrior archetype is the only one you think is valid for young men, and that it is *only* valid for young men. query - what do you think is the appropriate archetype for young women? why? and how do you think public education is impacting that behavior set?

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